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Leaving An Un Run-in Engine Sitting

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As the title suggests I'm after a bit of advice.


I finished the rebuild of my Mi engine november last year and it's been sitting (after initial running at 2.5k) since then. My question is, as I won't be able to do anything with it until june time, is it best just to start the engine occasionally (car isn't yet on all 4 wheels) and keep the revs up but not constant i.e vary between 1.5-3k for a minute or so. Just leaving it seems like a bad idea but I know leaving a freshly rebuilt engine idling or at constant rpm doesn't do you any favours in terms of bedding in the rings?


What's your thoughts?



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Would think you'd do a lot more harm than good running it on & off for short periods. Turning it over every so often not a bad idea, & I'd also put some Redex or thin-ish oil down the bores just to keep them from rusting.

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From my times at Cosworth, as long as you turn the engine over periodically, not let the crack sit in one place for too long, it should be fine.

Ensure engine all inlets are properly blocked off to prevent water/condensation going into the internals.


To run engines for too long under no load causes more damage than not running them. I could tell you how we used to run WRC and F1 enigines in, but I would recommend the treatment!

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What he said. If you used assembly lube when you built it you shouldn't have any problems, that stuff hangs around for ages!


Also is this Geoff by any chance?

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Good advice! Thanks guys.


Hi Cam, yeah it's Geoff, how's it going? I saw you driving up the uni service road the other day, car sounds an animal!

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Aha cool, I thought it might have been then read your build thread and saw the bit about the FS team Loctite presentation and thought yeah it must be! It's going pretty good, just trying to plan out my FYP write-up at the moment - nightmare! How's yours going? Haha an animal? Hope that's a good thing.. :P

Edited by Cameron

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Ha yeah FYP..... Might actually finally be doing some testing this week, we now have ecu's, an almost complete loom and a set of 4 pressure sensors. Just hoping they give me some data that makes some kind of sense!


I would say it's a good thing!.... if it was a 1.1 corsa... that would be another story. Whats happening with the whole clamping saga?

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Haha true, it's a bit loud on the motorways but meh, sounds too good to change. :P


Erm, well I don't want to jinx myself but I think they've just given up! I wrote to them a couple of weeks ago now and haven't heard anything back so I guess I've earned myself a clamp. :(

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