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Anti Freeze Leaking Into Car

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I went out to the car tonight and noticed a pool on anti freeze lying on the floor,Appears to be dripping onto tunnel from some where,Only just put anti frezze in it the other night,I didn't notice this when there was only water in it !!


Any ideas

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Heater matrix gone by the sound of it not expensive to fix but a bit of an awkward job to do.

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Heater matrix


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it can only be one thing! the heater matrix or the pipes to it, you can get them with pipes and o-rings from a number of places, a few members have recently tried the ECP ones.

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Cheers guys,


If's it's not one thing it's another eh !!


Is this a dash out job ?

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No no no :unsure: It looks like a horrible job, but its actually pretty easy. The matrix slides out of its casing towards the drivers door.


I bought mine from GSF, It was about £30, came as a full kit and was of high quality. Dunno if the ECP ones are the same?

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Cheers guys,


If's it's not one thing it's another eh !!


Is this a dash out job ?



It's pretty simple.


Disconnect both coolant hoses going through bulkhead

Remove lower dash

Undo the 4 screws holding the water pipes to the matrix.

Ease the two pipes gently through the bulkhead around 70mm.

Slide matrix out of its home.


An old rag or bucket is useful to collect water and a hoover to remove years worth of old leaves.


Installation is the reverse, remember to change the O-rings plus you'll need to refill and bleed the system.

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As said it's not too bad just slightly awkward. I have one or 2 pics from when I replaced mine, pm me if you want to see them.

Edited by sport1901966

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