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Buying A Water Pump And Cam Belt And Tensioner

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seems like theres a couple of different types of both am i best buying from gsf instead of waiting for a bargain off ebay or does someone know which i,d need i think i,ll be needing the tensioner thats eccentric not spring loaded, but how long a belt ?is it different than the other, is the water pump the flat one or the one with a bit of a wall thingy .. do you need a tensioner tool or if it twists 90 degrees will it be fine..

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Check first before you buy, very easy.


Spung one has a nut and square drive at the top of the block just under the head on the back if that makes sense, If one of these it's the 113 belt, Middle cambelt cover is shaped with allot of buldges


If nothing on tab and the cam cover just has 1 large round buldge then it's the 114 tooth set up


This is where a couple of pics would tell a thousand words

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on my dkz engine, its the 114 belt(well that sone came off, an confirmed by service book), and the ecentric tensioner.

I got the wrong motatquip one per there website for 122bhp engine which has the 113 belt an dealrier tensioner in, which has now stopped the job when I took it to bits.lol

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