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Tools Required For A Hg And Cambelt/tensioner Change

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Basically I have a really small and rather pathetic tool collection and don't fancy starting this job without having all the necessary tools by my side! So if someone could write a quick all tools needed type list it would be very very much appreciated!!

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i know if i went through everything i'd use, i'd probably forget something :D


surely a haynes manual gives you an idea :)

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This is general and off the top of my head. You'll find however that really you'll need sets (of sockets/Allen keys/Torx/spanners) rather than the specific sizes here, as:

{a} they might not be what I say they are

{b} you'll find something else to fiddle with at the time

{c} and it'll be cheaper to muy sets than just the individual spanners etc


(The items in brackets are what they are PROBABLY for)



10mm (cam cover, battery fixings, clutch cable locking nut) / 12mm (batt terms) / 13mm (the holy God of spanners!, 2nd clutch cable nut, exhaust nuts/studs & poss inlet too, alternator & cam belt tensioners, water pump bolts) / 16mm shows up a lot but perhaps not on this job / 21 or 22mm (main alternator bolt


Sockets with Suitable Rachets (as you may need 1/4" and 1/2" drives depending on kob):

The spanner sizes above plus a suitable Torx combo for the head bolts (may be a Torx 55) / Allen key drivers (5 & 6mm - poss for inlet bolts) / 6-8mm for jubilee clips / torque wrench / breaker bar



Scraper (blade) for removing old gasket(s) / hammer (dead blow or normal with a block of wood for freeing head) / Allen keys (see sockets) / flat head screwdriver (jubilee clips - although sockets are better) / feeler guages (may as well do the valves whilst there if taking cam cover off)


That's the best I can think of off the top of my noggin'.

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Cool, it's mostly the odd things I wanted to know, like the T55 and the scraper (although that one is slightly more obvious, but without it I probably would have tried using a flat screwdriver or something!!), I've got all the usual sockets etc, I just didn't fancy getting halfway through it and realizing (knowing my luck on a sunday evening when everywhere is shut!) that I need an obscure tool!!



(My haynes manual is somewhere buried in a mountain of boxes as I'm moving house in a week!)

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HALFORDS 150 pc Toolkit! :)


With added breaker bar + torque wrench + 35mm socket if you haven't already got them.



oh and an angle tightening gauge.


that little lot will set you up for most tasks on your pug :D

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10mm & 11mm(I think) rachet spanner with flexable head might be useful, for cambelt area.


6mm spanner for the tensioner.

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10mm & 11mm(I think) rachet spanner with flexable head might be useful, for cambelt area.


Yeah. Rachet spanners are tool porn! :)

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I've just had a quick look on the halfrauds website and they have a ratchet spanner set (8mm-19mm) for half price, gotta come in handy! Although they aren't flexi head..... Looks like I'll be doing a little shopping when I get paid next week! I've just found the 150pc set too, this is getting expensive!


My basket: 150 pc set (my set really is crap and it's about time I sorted it out!! *read replace*)

Breaker bar (I already have a 35mm socket)

10mm and 11mm flex head ratchet spanners


Total: £143.96 (halfrauds price, I'll do a bit of shopping around and see what I can find!)


EDIT: I've just added a torque wrench and an angle guage..... it's gotten to over £200 now.... I may have to rethink this whole replacing my entire tool collection lark....

Edited by one-lady-owner

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Rich, I am dissapointed in you. I would have thought you of all people would include the following essential items!








Gerator/power socket/warm engine bay


and a handful of Croatian 205 enthusiasts.


And ofcourse, howdare we forget the CABLE TIE!

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No need for sugar; "I'm sweet enough Turkish."


Reference the tool cost: you ought to bare in mind that it will pay itself back many times over. It's not just for one job.


And you can always whore yourself out to others for beer tokens, and polish your tool(s) in the evening. :)


P.S. Get someone to buy those tools for you with a Halfrauds trade card. :)

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you wont need extra ratchet spanners, they're included in the 150pc toolkit :) my brother bought one last week for £99 :)

Edited by welshpug

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^^^^^Someone's enjoying their new toolkit!! :lol:

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me? naah :lol: never had one myself but I know a fair few people that have one (or two even!) :)

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