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Car Wont Start Help Needed

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the other day i went doen the unit to do some work on my 205 1.6 gti got in it went to start it but there was a flat battery so put new one on it now the imboiliser and the alarm keep going off and it will not start at all on the key engine turns when u touch the starter but will not fire up any body now how to fix thanks

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Does the fuel pump prime at all?


If as you say there is an immobiliser, it may be cutting the fuel pump out.


You need to disarm the immobiliser and try from there.

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how do you disarm the imobiliser and get 12v feed to fuel pump

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How do you normally disarm the alarm when its working? Does it give you an indication that its armed (a small red light for example)? Is this operating correctly?


Removing an imobiliser isn't too bad, I did mine at the weekend and it took about 15 mins all you have to do is trace the wires to where they go into the car electriccery and re-join the original car cables. Not sure about an alarm though, I'd expect them to have some kind of tamper circuits to stop you doing that...

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How do you normally disarm the alarm when its working? Does it give you an indication that its armed (a small red light for example)? Is this operating correctly?


Removing an imobiliser isn't too bad, I did mine at the weekend and it took about 15 mins all you have to do is trace the wires to where they go into the car electriccery and re-join the original car cables. Not sure about an alarm though, I'd expect them to have some kind of tamper circuits to stop you doing that...


Not a Clifford by any chance? sounds as if the new battery is not quite right

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Yay! a search that worked. ;)


I am suffering this very problem at the minute. I have removed the battery and given it a good charge, put it back and it's turned over but won't start. Then I noticed the Clifford LED started to flash when I was turning key to "start". On locking the car I get four blips not the usual two and then unlocking it the flashing clears but comes back again when I try to start again. I'm no good with wiring/electrics so can anyone help?



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read your instuction manual or look at one online, there may well be a 'routine' that you have to go through having flattened/changed the battery.

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