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sam jfm

Half Decent Spray Gun

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sam jfm

Can someone recommend me one? cheers sam

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how much you got to spend and how much spraying are you going to do,spray guns vary from £10-£400

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Kestral if you want cheap but good

DeVilbiss tend to be easy to use pro guns

SATA if your bloody good at painting.


Ive made some huge genraliseations there, but its a very difficult question to answer.

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sam jfm

well i dont know really, not much to start with just get a feel for it. £70 £80 ish i suppose? i want to give myself the best chance lol!

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it depends what colour your going to use too, with matalic silver you'll want a pro gun and black or white you'd probably get away with a cheap gun

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sam jfm

Well i presume the better the gun the easier it is to spray?

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I got this set from ebay a while ago for 150euro delivered from the states but not this company tho.



I've used the 1.3mm tip for waterbase and it worked quite well and the 1.0mm in the smaller gun is great for touching up bits.


Both guns work well with the good old solvent based paint too.


If your only starting to spray i think this kit is great as it has all you need for primer/base/laquer and it is the same price as some DeVilbiss guns alone.


Hope this helps


(EDIT) just found it on ebay :lol:http://cgi.ebay.com/New-KIT-w-2-DEVILBISS-...046568371121748



Edited by willmounsey

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its not the gun its the person behind it,i could use the cheapest gun and get the same results with a devilbiss or a sata,the dearest guns will last for 20yrs or untill a new design comes out but the cheapy gun wont last 12mnths because of cheap insides

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Tom Fenton

I'm not the best sprayer I'm sure compared to some of the pro's, but I did do a 4 month stint spraying agricultural machinery at a factory once, so I'm reasonably OK. I can achieve perfectly acceptable results with a £40 Sealey gun, last thing I did were my wheels.

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I'm also a firm believer that it's as much down to the operator than the tool he's using, but top end guns will give you the extra edge, last longer, and give much better consistency over their lifetime. For someone like me that sprays anything up to 100 cars a week, I expect a lot from my tools, so only buy the very best, but for an occasional hobbyist that's just not neccessary.


For that reason you might be better opting for the 'entry level' range of one of the big names. The Devilbiss Starting line mentioned above is a good choice, or the highly acclaimed FLG5 finish line gun. As well as being more robust than an ebay special, you can be assured of decent support and parts availability for years to come.


You also need to take note of the air consumption of whatever gun you buy, and ensure your compressor is man enough for the job. That FLG gun is pretty reasonable in that respect for a full sized gun, but you'll still need to be looking at a 3HP compressor (the biggest you can get without a dedicated electrical supply). I have to run two such compressors to feed my hungry guns for any length of time!



Kestral if you want cheap but good

DeVilbiss tend to be easy to use pro guns

SATA if your bloody good at painting.



And Iwata if you're not a sheep and want a really good gun :D

Edited by Paintguy

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the iwata Super Nova is an awsome gun,i used 1 last week as a demo and couldnt over how good they are

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the iwata Super Nova is an awsome gun,i used 1 last week as a demo and couldnt over how good they are

Oh yes!


I have the clearcoat version already, and I'm waiting my turn for a demo of the base one. I already own 6 Iwata's though, so I think I'm being a bit greedy :mellow:


The first time I picked my Supernova up it did this, and a bit of tweaking since has made it even better. It's actually in danger of being too slick to match original factory 'peel:



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niiiiceee!! is that a beetle?

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yeh the clear one is awsome,and the fan on it is unreal,they are on offer at the moment for £280 so might get my self 1 for home ,i have always used devilbiss guns and i think the iwata is closer to devilbiss than sata,, much finer spray

Edited by toddydal

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Aye, beetle rear wheel arch :mellow:



I'm sure you won't be disappointed toddydal. I've already converted 2 painters from SATA to Iwata, and one of my current lads can't wait to throw his Devil bunny GTI away for a Supernova!

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Nice work! - I wish I had a garage at home :mellow:


Since I put the word back out I'm being inundated with side jobs, but I only have my mates workshop to do them in. Plenty of space, but I have to do them when he isn't working, it's a good half an hour away from my house, unheated, and dirty!


I'm currently getting his truck ready for painting, and the pictures here give you an idea what the place is like

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thats agood size garage,the one im using is a double garage and i have only just started to do jobs at home again and im getting really busy now,im doing a mondeo at the moment and both doors are f***ed so ive bought 2 new doors in a tin (filler) and it took me most of today to get them repaired but they came out quite well,the best earners at the moment are alloy wheels



note the rolly primer saves on gun cleaning :mellow:

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Christ on a bike! I can tell how much gobbo they've had by what's left on the floor :lol:


I really must try roly primer myself. Love the concept, I've just never got around to trying it :mellow:


P.S. Andy manages to drag yet another topic sideways. Sorry.

Edited by Paintguy

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hi any sata jet gun is good or the old devillbis jga or gti

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sam jfm

Toddydal what gun did you use to do that job? I only have a small compressor a 50ltr 1.5 or 2hp job though

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i used the gun that came with my compressor,and its a 100ltr 3hp but its s*ite it struggles to paint a full side because of air pressure drop,i get a door done then have to let the air presure build back up to do the next panel,its only 10cfm and you need atleast 14,i have just bought a 270 ltr 28 cfm compressor because im sick of struggling with the 100ltr one,the new compressor is the biggest you can go single phase,but if your only doing small stuff your compressor will do the job,i have a 50ltr 14cfm compressor and that is better than the 100ltr but when im doing a big job i rig both compressors together

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Can someone recommend me one? cheers sam


This is you man. Ken Burdekin. tel 01298 814813 or mobile 07778 165966


He supplies all you need for painting and the last time I spoke to him he was doing a gravity fed gun for £25.



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