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Guest brodz

Import Jaeger Dashboard And Mileage

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Guest brodz

Hi all,


I am in New Zealand and I am looking at buying a 205TI at the moment.


There aren't many "NZ new" around and most of what is still on the market are imports. Vast majority from Japan and few from UK. Can be quite hard to backtrack.


I have come across pictures of Jaeger dashboards that bear double marking and has mph as well as kph. Is that a usual feature on cars that were not first sold in France ? I imagine that 205s in UK could have these...


The puzzling bit is that the speedo reads kph in white and mph in orange. The mileage is in white and doesn't have a unit. :-/


Have you seen something like this before? I am trying to get some pictures.... because I dont understand if it shows miles or kilometers.



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I think the majority of cars here today have both KPH and MPH marked on the speedometers with the MPH being the foremost marking with the kph being more or less in the back ground. But where 205's are concerned, mine is in mph only. I'll check tonight though.


On my Volvo, I not only have this but also a fuel gauge that registers in both litres and gallons.

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Guest brodz

Hi G,


Thanks for your reply. I got really confused with that one and let the auction go. I would actually think that the mileage on this one (as should any car sold in the UK) have the mileage counter in miles.


The one I am look at now only has white markings in kilometers. I am guessing it is a Japanese import as I can not think of another country that would have RHD and native metric system in 1989. I will see what comes out of it. :D


On my Volvo, I not only have this but also a fuel gauge that registers in both litres and gallons.


Unit conversion madness. :D





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I am guessing it is a Japanese import as I can not think of another country that would have RHD and native metric system in 1989.


You're kidding me..............look across the ditch my friend. We've been metric since '75. Also changed from pounds to dollars in '66.


Would you like a full metric GTi cluster?

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