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306 Hdi Cam Belt Change

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I know its 205 mostly but a quick question, i'm going to do my cam belt on my HDI annd just wanted to know if its the same belt set-up as a early D turbo engine? i have a early 306 haynes manual and not a HDI manual!! also, on the same subject, is it a easyish job? i've done many a 1.9 8v 205 cam belt and the mi cam belt so just wanted to see if its the sameish job!! cheers

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not quite the same but similar enough to an XUD, crank - coolant pump - tensioner = cam = inj pump - idler.


tensioner is an eccentric like a gti6/Mi16, cam pulley is similar to a gti6/xsi, 3 bolt adjustable to allow cam timing to remain unchanged regardless of belt tension, front idler pummey is similar to a gti6/xsi, bolts directly to the block.


crank is locked in the same way as an XUD, 8mm pin through the block face into the flywheel by the starter motor, same with the cam, threaded M8 bolt into the head.


unlike the XUD, the pump timing is not critical as its simply a high pressure pump supplying pressure to the fuel rail.

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nice one, so basically no special tools and the same type of job as doing a 8v gti in situ and a mi!! i did wonder if it being derv that with the injectior pump it would a bitch to do!!

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As been said dont worry about timing the injection pump as they freewheel unlike the early ones whch need to

be locked

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