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[project] Peugeot 205 Twin Turbo

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How many giggawatts will this produce!


what sort of power are you looking to be running? its a lot of work for a FWD car that essentially will struggle to put power down with the surge from the turbo! best of luck, and im sure it will be a bit of a giggle along the autobahns!

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.5 of a megawatt would do me :) I'm looking for around 440hp, with a decent area under that graph and the ability to turn the boost up. The larger turbo will flow around 1200hp. This engine is destine for the rear of the car with time. 6th gear wheel spin will be a laugh!!





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The pipe comes out the bottom of the car in the middle perfectly, this car was ment to be twin turboed!!






I'm mega confused why is it plumbed in backwards? Should your large turbo not be feed straight to the intercooler?


Haven't you lost any benefit of having a compound set up by forcing the air back through a tiny turbo there will be massive pressure drop and temp increase...


Shouldn't the small turbo be feeding the intercooler at low boost and then be bypassed completely at higher boost if you are using a sequential layout, with the larger turbo outlet then feeding into the same pipework pre-intercooler?


Your big turbo has to blow straight into the intercooler whatever happens as it is the end of the line for the air and its when the air will be at its highest pressure, putting any restriction infront of it destroys the point imo.


I think this is why compound boost isn't practical as in your case your small turbo outlet would have to blow into the inlet of your big turbo, however when the big turbo is up to speed the demand of air it needs far outstrips what the small turbo can supply so its a catch 22 situation.


You really need a pure sequential system that relies on the exhaust gases not the inlet air, aren't you in effect trying to in effect run the large turbo backwards by trying to spin the compressor wheel via the incoming air rather than use the exhaust gases. If thats the case a clever idea would be to start off spinning the big turbine wheel off the output of the small turbo and then when its starts to get going bypass to a straight conventional exhaust flow....is that a crazy idea :):o I have no clue :P:P


Might work though...

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You really need a pure sequential system that relies on the exhaust gases not the inlet air, aren't you in effect trying to in effect run the large turbo backwards by trying to spin the compressor wheel via the incoming air rather than use the exhaust gases.


Ignore that bit :) I've confused myself now, I don't want to come across like I'm having a go as I genuinely find stuff like this mega interesting I'm kind of questioning myself aswell as you so I don't mean it to come acoss as negative.


Btw the above quote from me was refferring to a pure compound system where the plumbing would be the opposite to your photo....i.e small turbo outlet into big turbo inlet - thats where the running it backwards came from!!

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I know your not having a go, its good to be questioned, think about things that may have been overlooked.


The idea with the larger turbo first is that it wont hinder the small turbo spool as it out flows the smaller turbo due to the design of the compressor housing of the larger turbo. if that makes sense :)


When the larger turbo has spooled and creating boost the small turbo will get bypassed on the exaust side, thus the shaft speeds on the smaller turbo will fall to a level whereby it free wheeling on flow rather than been a pressure turbine. Again if that makes sense.


While the smaller turbo is free wheeling, the larger turbo will generate a pressure difference across the small turbo(we don't want this) i can either run a bypass valve or as I am doing use the small turbo, pipework and intercooler as a convergent divergent duct (remember the smaller turbo is making no effort to compress the gas.) if we remember our ideal gas laws this should work reasonably efficiently and we shouldn't see a large increase in intake temp.


All highly theoretical, only real way is to test it, as the turbos compressor housings is a composite in form a may like you say have to put a bypass valve in :huh:





Edited by wracing

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It is going to be incredible to see this car running, just hope I get to see it somewhere wiping the floor with some jap crap :ph34r:


your doing an amazing job mate

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More progress today, you should see quite a bit progress over the next week as I have the week off work and simon is off college.


Please excuse the quality, my iphone is on its last legs!!




















I've had to remake the intake plenum to clear everything, as i wanted to use 3" pipe from the intercooler. I'm fed up with hyd handbrakes bending so ive made a proper man size one, just have to add gussets :D


More to come!!!





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All Praise The GTI

awesome work mate :)

mine is finally making progress now too

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Ok i've been really lazy and didnt post my progress!! once again pictures are worth millions of words!.......






She is that light me and simon can pick her up, I reckon about 140kg :)




Lots of grinding and rust repair took about a day!!!




Welded the new centre console in and simon made a dash infill!




Panel wipe is nasty stuff!! turned the workshop into a spray both with screwfix dustsheets and cable :D




Before you knew it.....






next post.... sorry mods B)

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Then after abit of wet flatting.....the colour orange!!










Cleaned the gun and added the lovely green!






The colours are a little darker than what the phone makes them out, damn iphone!!!









hahaha..... :)






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Looks like Tic-Tacs :)


Nice colours are they metallic?

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Nope just flat colours, the slight shimmer you can see is because its wet and hasn't been cut/buffed! :lol:


I was tempted to do each panel a different colour but thought it would look like a banger :)





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best thread i've read in a loooong time. can't wait for the next instalment.


i'de take my hat off, but the hat stand is probably full by now!!

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Hope you don't mind me asking but what kit is that, T16, Dimma?

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I really don't know when I started the car, short of money I bought it second hand off ebay on a whim! It actually turned out really good if you excuse my lack of bodywork skills :) its almost a combination of many kits, soon to be mutilated on the next rebuild as im putting the fuel, oil coolers in the back vents :lol:





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While the girlfriend does uni work, I have a new toy to play with......




It cost me 40 pounds its a touch screen epos terminal that im going to run my navigation software for eurotrip and engine management software for data logging and on the fly mapping.


My nav, simon is so happy, as I told him that he had to make 3500 miles worth of hand written directions and pace notes, and this removes this task :lol:!! Unfortunately its not powerful enough to run our cameras but we have been donated a 4 channel hd recorder to cover the trip. So the bumper, side, cabin and exaust camera will all be recorded with sound and in glorious hd. This may seem over the top but things will be come clear as the project develops :)





Edited by wracing

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An exhaust camera? :)


Awesome stuff.


When you have time James, you could fabricate a new hat stand... :lol:

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Thanks guy for your support, it goes a long way when I can't be bothered!! mid afternoon update B)






Cleaned, most of the bolts replaced with BZPs, new track rod ends and to finish new sfk hub bearings :D






Sorted, hopefully get her on the floor soon B)





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that paint is gonna need some polishing buddy looks a bit ....dare i say it.....orange peely :)


thats some serious progress tho mate well done.

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haha its not that bad!! :)





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Please excuse the picture quality, I'll try and get a good camera so you can actually see the colours! They are amazing :D


Anyhow time for a mid evening update!!!








She hit the floor around 5pm....




the dash has yet to be flocked, but we are going to have to wait!!!




I've got until the 23rd!!! :)


Now time for some more work!!





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I forgot to mention, we fabricated some custom beam mounts, 40x40 box and some nuts welded inside. I may decide to reduce the wall, depending on the geometry we are left with :)







Edited by wracing

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Coming together nicely Mate, Looks really good.


Can't wait to see it all back together :o

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Todays final instalment....




Pedal box rebuilt with new master cylinders, also removed the remote reservoirs as these have been a pain in the arse!!!




Hung the doors.


Only real major jobs now are engine and loom! :o





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