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Not Starting

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Hi guys,


I have an 205 Mi16 which has run fine since converted 5 years ago and hasn't given me any trouble. I have never used the car every day and generally have always parked it up for the winter, leaving the battery trickle charging and starting the car up every so often with no problem.


I last started the car at the end of December (before all the snow). When I went to start it at the weekend it just turned over without starting. Sounded like it was trying to catch occasionally but not firing


I am getting a spark and the plugs are wet with fuel. I have changed the ECU temp sensor for a new spare one I had lying around but that has made no difference. Have looked at the dizzy, leads and the usual connections and they seem fine.


One issue that I might have regards the immobiliser(s) fitted by previous owners. The car has a Laserline 290i fitted. I have a 2 button fob which locks/unlocks the car and arms the alarm and I assume and immobiliser. There is also an Autowatch type socket on the dashboard with a 3pin fob (Autowatch 139Ti, I think) which I have to insert to start the car.


Usually, when I reconnect the battery after a period of dormancy the Laserline alarm "croaks" when the battery is connected. I disarm (unlock) using the key fob, press the Autowatch fob into the socket and start the car. This time, the Laserline still "croaks" when the battery is connected but I can't get any response from pressing either button on the fob, which does have a good battery.


I'm not a fan of immobilisers etc. but as these two have always worked I haven't thought about taking them out or how they work. Am I likely to get a car which turns over, has spark and seemingly fuel but still won't fire if my immobiliser is faulty?


Many thanks,


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your fuel pump should be immobilised by the immobiliser so you shouldn't really be getting fuel if it is working. I had a laserline one once.It was just an immobiliser which you pressed a fob against a socket on the dash.When it packed up it took my friend all of 60 seconds to unwire. I think there were only about 4 wires which needed cutting and the original loom re-attaching.

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Seems odd that I get fuel and spark, so it seems, but the car won't fire. I assume that having wet plugs that stink of petrol would be a fairly good indicator that the injectors are firing okay.


What I don't know is if the Laserline system has an immobiliser that works when you press the button to unlock - the manuals are hard to get hold of, it seems. If the immobiliser doesn't prevent spark or fuel how else could it hold off the car starting?

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