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Revving Problems

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hi guys, just got a few probs with car. Basically i have just sorted the timing out on my h reg 1.9 gti. Basically, car is idleing fine but when revving the engine it seems to stop at around the 5k mark. Plugs seem pretty black so dono if this cud be it. Also, could someone advise of where the main earting points should be. All i have is one from battery to g/box an made a temp one to ignition module as this doesnt have one. Also, when car is warming up, i see the the vac pipe going to sad has flattened under the vaccume. Is this right? Thanks guys joe

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The pipe going to the SAD is not a vacuum pipe its from the inlet system to the inlet manifold and it supplies an extra amount of air whilst cold starting / running.


Would either clean the plugs and check the gaps as a matter of course (easier to replace them if you don't know how old they are)


Earth cable should go from the battery -ve to both the inner wing (ignition module mount) and the gearbox.

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Is your TPS fooked or got a loose connection?

It won't be showing wot to the ecu if not. Mine worked loose recently and it killed the top end.

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Sorry if sound stupid but what and where is the tps? Also, does anyone have images of the earths running to ignition module?

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Throttle Position Sensor or Switch.


There are 2 kinds - switches and sensors; and depending on year of manufacturer and type of ECU/management means which type you have.


So it'll be on one side of your throttle body on the end of the butterfly spindle.


Do a search on ignition module/amplifier wiring and coil wiring, and you'll see pictures of how they connect.

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