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Help! :o

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Hey guys, so major trubble here!


My 205 Gentry went to the mechanic last week becous it didnt start and didnt get any sparks.....well it seems the amplifyer or the brain for the Distributor died. All good, that got replaced but then it still didnt start, so now the problem is the Distributor....well acutally a part inside it called ignision prymari pick up, and it is no where to be found here in iceland!


So i deside to search for it on the auto five to look for a 1.9 Distributor and it costs freeking 200 punds!?!?!

Theres one guy here on the forum selling exactly what i need but its from a 1.6 sooo dose that work?

Do i have to get one from a 1.9? even wors...do i have to get the XU9J1 ignision prymari pick up?

Can i maby get a ignision prymari pick up or a Distributor from anothere car like citroen or something?

Best of all! Do you know some body that owns one laying around that might want to sell it?


I would post this in the wanted section but i still cant post there.


Any help greatly apriciated!

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Pick up coil :blush: from what i've seen , they're all the same being from 1.6 or 1.9 dizzy no matter ... i'm not sure , but Bosch pick up coil might fit as well ...


This guys will certainly help you out : http://www.h-h-ignitionsolutions.co.uk/ (but do call them instead of e-mailing , cos they're quite busy so not much time to answering questions via e-mails ..)


However the cheapest solution would be a tour around scrapyard :D find similar dizzy and break it for spares .. it doesn't have to be from the PSA car at all , as said i'm at least 90% sure that all the coils are identical and therefore interchangeable .. just needs to be mechanical pick up coil sensing dizzy , similar model and Ducellier brand (or Bosch might be very similar design and ought to fit for spares as well ..) the boys at H&H will give you precise advice regarding this ..


Damir B)

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ok its all coming togethere now, thanx ALLOT! :blush:

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