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Atari Boy

Is This Carb Too Knackered To Refurbish?

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Atari Boy

I have seen this carb on eBay which is quite close to me distance wise.





My question is, would it be worth my while buying it and refurbishing it, apparently there is another one which is quite rusty which he will throw in.

I am not trying to be a skinflint, it is just that I quite enjoy stripping and refurbishing parts as little projects. Ultimately, I would fit them to my 205 but I am in no hurry.

Would I be wasting my time and money on them?






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if its dirt cheap then maybe not but what you end up paying out on repair and spares etc, you're better of getting a good useable set and overhaul them.


what about this 40 dcoe? dcoe in suffolk

Edited by MrG

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Atari Boy

What is cheap, £25?

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less than that for that one, not sure how the body will respond to cleaning etc as it looks to have suffered somewhat. But if you fancy stripping it all down and cleaning etc then bag it, what have you got to lose, as if it's no good it'll make a good paperweight.

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Weld all the holes up and drill some injector seats , one cheapo bodge TB's ? :lol:

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Atari Boy

It sold for £86!!

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You mean £68. Still crazy money for what is a paperwight...

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