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What Crimping Tool?

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I'm trying to repair any weaknesses in my current loom and have sourced a load of new terminals etc but need the right crimping tool. Can anyone point me to the tool I need to crimp the terminal on the left the same way as the terminal (with the broken wire still in it :rolleyes) on the right?




I found loads of crimping tools but they don't look like they'll manage the way the tags are folded around.

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Tom Fenton

Vehicle Wiring Products sell a good one for about £8 to do that kind of crimp. It has red handles, its not the cheapest they do for non-insulated crimps, but not the dearest either. I've had it 10 years, its a good tool.

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Vehicle Wiring Products sell a good one for about £8 to do that kind of crimp. It has red handles, its not the cheapest they do for non-insulated crimps, but not the dearest either. I've had it 10 years, its a good tool.


Thanks Tom thats just what I needed to know!



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I've used those terminals as I made a complete Mi16 loom, and I used a ratchet crimping tool from either VWP or Simetek. I forget which, but when you find the ones I'm on about they are all much of a muchness.


The crimps formed are not exactly like the ones shown. The one you've pictured has very tall curved tags, wich makes me think that the size of the terminal is actually too big for the gauge of wire used (those terminals are available in different sizes depending on the guage of wire you are using). When you have the right size terminal for the wire used, and crimp it with the correct position on the ratchet tool, it will make a crimp similar to that but much flatter.

Edited by GLPoomobile

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Where are those crimps from? They look similar to some we have at work. If not, i think i will have to get some on order. I have a pair of old blue handled Molex crimpers that would probably do them.



Edited by Alastairh

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I've used those terminals as I made a complete Mi16 loom, and I used a ratchet crimping tool from either VWP or Simetek. I forget which, but when you find the ones I'm on about they are all much of a muchness.


The crimps formed are not exactly like the ones shown. The one you've pictured has very tall curved tags, wich makes me think that the size of the terminal is actually too big for the gauge of wire used (those terminals are available in different sizes depending on the guage of wire you are using). When you have the right size terminal for the wire used, and crimp it with the correct position on the ratchet tool, it will make a crimp similar to that but much flatter.


The terminal is one of various sizes I've ordered from VWP meant for 1-2.5mm^2 wire and the wire I have is 1mm^2 so it should be right....


Looking at the dies of the crimps I couldn't see how they would make the same sort of crimp but I guess it's not necessary to be the same then?

Edited by sport1901966

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I have a pair of green handled Laser ratchet crimps that'll sort those in one action, I think they may be what GLP has too.


They'll crimp pretty much all the terminals used on a car.



Edited by welshpug

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I have a pair of green handled Laser ratchet crimps that'll sort those in one action, I think they may be what GLP has too.


They'll crimp pretty much all the terminals used on a car.




Thanks for all the advice chaps, all ordered and paid for! Let the loom building begin :rolleyes:

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Just for final confirmation for anyone else -


The VWP 4.8mm Male blade terminals with latches fit the standard pug connectors




The green handled simtek crimper is spot on for crimping on non-insulated terminals such as the above



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the brown + white ones? top news, pug still do them but I'd guess possibly for a lot more from remembering how much Spiky said when he tried to order some :(

Edited by welshpug

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I've only used them for the brown connectors but I would imagine that the majority of the connectors would use the same size terminals, unless high current etc.


Didn't think to ask pug worth bearing in mind that vwp have a 3.75 flat rate on postage below a certain weight so my not be as cheap as would first seem.....unless making a big order that is.

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