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fiji bob

405 Mi 16 Mpg

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fiji bob

What are people getting at this time of year? I haven't worked out the mpg yet but get between 90-120 miles from 20 quids worth seems excessive even taking into account it's mostly short journeys

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Cold weather coupled with short journeys is never going to give good economy, and remember that £20 doesn't actually get you much petrol nowadays.


Assuming you're paying around £1.10 a litre, I worked out 90-120 miles to £20 is equivalent of around 23-30mpg.


Middle to upper of that range I would say would be as expected given the cold and short journeys, probably increasing to low 30's on a long run.


For what it's worth, my 306 HDi is down from about 51mpg to about 46mpg at the moment, primarily due to the cold weather.

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Oh, and of course, trying to work out economy based on miles to £x is generally hopelessly inaccurate.


Best way is to completely fill the tank, wait until it's nearly empty, and then fill it back up again. That way, you're roughly getting the same amount of fuel in the tank to within a litre or so, and because you're averaging over a greater number of miles, it removes a lot of the margin for error.

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Oh, and of course, trying to work out economy based on miles to £x is generally hopelessly inaccurate.


Best way is to completely fill the tank, wait until it's nearly empty, and then fill it back up again. That way, you're roughly getting the same amount of fuel in the tank to within a litre or so, and because you're averaging over a greater number of miles, it removes a lot of the margin for error.


That's what I do. Am getting 30mpg+ on motorway journeys, pretty happy with that given most of them are at 80-90mph :unsure:

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now i thought mpg would be better in this cold snap as

1 you drive slower[snow/ice


2 isnt cold air good for the engine? isnt thats why all race cars have cold air feeds?

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on a very long run at 50-60mph i've had nearly 400 from a tank.

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What are people getting at this time of year? I haven't worked out the mpg yet but get between 90-120 miles from 20 quids worth seems excessive even taking into account it's mostly short journeys


I get roughly the same as you, i put £20 in a week and i normally get 110-120 miles regardless of weather and driving lol



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Same here. £20 will get me 120-130 miles.

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I think the best I got from mine was 38 mpg, averaged around 32 regularly.

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fiji bob

I'm surprised I used to get about 140-150 miles from my 205 but the. Petrol was probably cheaper

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i wouldnt be, its 200-250 kilos heavier!!

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