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205 Gti Lower Engine Mounting Fork

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As above, The bush has worn on mine now and would like to replace the fork, asuming that the bush is allready pressed in when bought from the dealer. Part number & price would be nice inc 2 new bolts.

many thanks.


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Would also like the pt no for the little clips that hold the slatted rear panel to the lower boot lid, think there are 4 of these..many thanks.

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iirc, the bush is about £11


i've got a spare fork if your interested, or if you get a bush i can press a new one in for you


i've also got some of them clips for the tailgate panel

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Hi spent at least 30 mins on servicebox & stuartmguires pug pages last night Rich, I'm probably not as well versed in it as I could be but it is very rare I actually need to use them, I did find a fork for the carb models but not specific GTI models...Thats why I thought I would ask you knowledge guys....I suspect its the same fork and bush for xu and Tu, but not 100% on it?


I would like to get the fork and bush complete if posible to save having to get the bush pressed in. It will save time.


@ JORD: Can you Pm me your mobile mate, My phone has gone missing and I have no numbers. Cheers.Paul. I may have them clips then matey.

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davey sprocket
Hi spent at least 30 mins on servicebox & stuartmguires pug pages last night Rich, I'm probably not as well versed in it as I could be but it is very rare I actually need to use them, I did find a fork for the carb models but not specific GTI models...Thats why I thought I would ask you knowledge guys....I suspect its the same fork and bush for xu and Tu, but not 100% on it?


I would like to get the fork and bush complete if posible to save having to get the bush pressed in. It will save time.


@ JORD: Can you Pm me your mobile mate, My phone has gone missing and I have no numbers. Cheers.Paul. I may have them clips then matey.


They are on servicebox, under FIXING-POWER UNIT LIFT POINT.

00001809 04 FLEXIBLE BUSH

00001854 16 SUPPORT YOKE


Can't find them on Stu's pages though.

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Nice one davey sprocket.

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On Stu's:


> Engine Equipment

> [18A] ENGINE UNIT MOUNTINGS, LIFTING BRACKET - go to the 3rd entry

> Petrol XU


Easy peasy lemon squeezy. The first 2 entries are the carb ones; you must've just missed the 3rd line.



Edited by DrSarty

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Cheers for that. Need to get it sorted fairly soon, (Found it also now.) so thanks.

Edited by paul205mi16

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If it's just the bush you need, BBM sells them (stew205 on here) £16 I think

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Use a 106 one, Slightly harder rubber

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Is it the S1 type or are all of them the same type ?

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Which one from the 106 is same size fit and upgrade? just to be sure..

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106 gti i'd imagine :)

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imho, the o/e bush does the job well :)

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