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Emmisions Cat Etc

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ive asked vosa if a cat is needed and they say whats already been said really that if its i[ model number or engine code] in the gas analyser database or the in-service emmisions book it will have to pass the levels peugeot have said it should.... does anyone know the levels peugeot would have said it needs to or does anyone have access to this database or the in service book?? what would my model number be is that the xu9 thing is mine a xu9jaz [sept 92 ] thanks i want to know as much or more than the testers about these cats before i put it in for the mot..

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also can you use any catalytic converter do you think theyre all interchangable if you get one from the same size engined car? and make it sleeved to fit.

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If your car had a cat fitted from the factory then it needs to be tested.

The limits on a 1992 car with a cat are


below 0.3co

below 200hc

and between 0.98 and 1.03 lambda


If you put a CAT from another vahicle on your car it would work as they have the same insides,(i wouldnt have thought a diesel CAT would work on a petrol,could be wrong though).

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whats that lambda reading is that a gas reading from the probe ? imsure someones said there dec 92 car passed without a cat

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Lambda is a measurement of air/fuel ratio,the Lambda sensor measures oxygen content in the exhaust and the ECU controls air/fuel ratio accordingly(thats the simple explanation anyway).

If it was a December 1992 car then it shouldnt have passed its emissions,the cat test is from August 1992


Hope that helps

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Thats weird. I have a cat on my 1993 L reg 205 GTi and my garage said it had to be lower than 3.5% CO. I just assumed that was what was "on the books" for a late model 205 GTi with a cat and didn't think anything more of it.


But a full "cat test" is using the much lower figures you mention above.


Either way I'm not bothered as my car is legal with a CAT on it and has a newer engine in it (GTi6). The ITBs might cause a problem though.... :D

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after getting shirty with vosa for saying my car needed a pre cat test and the mot er failing it because he said it was a dkz engine code vosa have now said its a dk2 code not dkz and ive checked the chassis number 6 th 7th 8th numbers are deffo dk2 so vosa say no cat test .................... after ive spent 55 quid on a rover cat and spent all day welding it in .. is this right have the dkz code cars got dkz in the chassis number or dk2....

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DK2 is not a peugeot code, DKZ is, DKZ is a Cat equipped engine, which is certainly sounds like the car is if its part of the VIN as well.

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no sign of dkz on the car chassis or in the v5 its deffo dk2 on both

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so they should say no match in the service book so a pre cat test instead ,

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They could argue its a Typo, given that it has a Motronic ECU and a Lambda sensor, plate on the engine if present would indicate DKZ too.

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cant be a typo its stamped in the bulkhead dont know what kind of machine does that but there must be more dk2 s about

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