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Front Wash/wipe Not Working

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Right my front wash/wipe seems to have packed up, it will work occasionally but takes alot of wiggling of the stalk to get it to engage. When it does work pump etc is fine so I think its more the contacts in the stalk that are knackered.


I remember finding a post about removing the wiper stalk but my search skills are weak this evening so was wondering if anyone had any tips. I seem to remember the advice was to remove the lower dash and then slightly drop the steering column to allow access rather than the upper dash, does that sounds right?





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Rock Lobster

This happened to one of my cars mate, I pulled the wash/wipe switch apart and found the the contacts weren't quite closing. A quick tap to effectively 'bend' one of the contacts a tiny amount and it solved the problem. Its a bit of a fiddle but not overly complicated!


iirc you do have to drop the steering column down a little to slide the switch out.

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Stalk switch is held together with steel clips....prise them off gently, don't open them any more than necessary. Then when reassembling, use mole grips to compress them back....you need to judge setting carefully...obviously clips need to be tight, but if you go too far with the mole grips, you risk cracking the plastic. On my car, the fault was a rocking contact, which could only be removed for cleaning by carefully prising up one of the small brass contact bars. Cleaning up the rocking contact got mine working fine. Need to be handy with tweezers & be careful dismantling so you see where any springs etc go.

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