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8v Rebuild Electrical And Starting Problems

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I recently finished rebuilding my 8v 89 1.9. Check the topic here > http://forum.205gtidrivers.com/index.php?s...05328&st=40


Ready to start the car for the first time but I have a few electrical problems. I have re-terminated all the spade connectors in the engine bay from Peugeot OE spades in the original plastic connectors, and replaced the brown multiplug with a better insulated one from an automative electrical place simtek The car has a new starter from GSF, and the factory Moss alarm was removed from the car.


The car now does not start. I can hear the fuel pump working but there is nothing from the starter at all.


Also, the driving lights arent working with the full beam and the passenger side repeater isnt working (it was before). i havent got my multimeter here, so I cant check for voltage yet, but when I get it what do I check for and where? I suspect its something to do with me removing the alarm, as the connections for the indicators inside the fuseboard were joined with the alarm, and when I removed them I exposes the wires. So I cut the wires that were damaged and used some barrel connectors? (red ones in pics) dont know the name to join them again. I cant think the alarm would break into the starting circuit would it?


Heres a pic of the wires in the glovebox. The yellow wire seems to be labeled 40c, I couldnt find it in the haynes book. I havent got a scooby what the other two are for as I can see the numbers.











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Have you tried running a live dirrect to the switch live on the starter motor?


Id try this before anything else to make sure you have earth and power and also so you know the starter isnt faulty, I know you said its brand new but iv had brand new faulty starters and alternators before



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Ill try that tomorrow, Im assuming I have to use the same grade cable.

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Ill try that tomorrow, Im assuming I have to use the same grade cable.



Yeah or even a jump lead or cross a screwdriver over if you can do this safely



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Any luck with get it started ?



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Got the starter working, but I got to sort out the ignition timing now, and I have a leaking oil cooler :) Thanks for the help. Took the sender/sensor loom out and the positive loom for the alt and starter, checked them for continuanity - all fine. Put them back in and bam! it worked. Loose connection I guess. Still baffled over the repeater not working though.

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