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Xsara Vts Throttle Body

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Evening all


right I have a simple quick question for those of you in the know about gti6 engines. Story is I was talking to a former Citroën/pug tech last week and he seemed to think that the xsara vts throttle body was different from the gti6 apparently it's not as free flowing and is slightly smaller I'm just wondering if any of you can confirm this? Many thanks. seb

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HTH! :)

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That's ok then I didn't think it was true thanks for the speedy reply. Just one more question what is the plug that is under the inlet manifold on the left handside? He seemed to say it was the cold start plug and it should be connected but I have no issues on cold start and think he may have just been trying to slash on my fireworks.

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Do you mean the lefthand side of the engine when your sat in the car or as you look at the engine from under the bonett? Theres a grey air inlet temp sensor just under/on the throttle body..

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As you look at the engine from under the bonnet. What's the inlet temp sensor for then is it important? Sort for the questions I am a little clueless when it comes to sensors. Many thanks for the reply

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The yellow plug is the body heater, Not needed in the UK unless you really up North

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Thanks for the info miles that's great. I think he was taking advantage of the fact i am no technician and was just trying to make me look a fool which he succeeded in doing :)

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