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Power Steering Help...

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Currently putting a GTI 6 engine in my power steering equipped 205. The '6 engine requires a pump as someone had already nicked it before i took the engine out at the scrappy :D Now i've heard the 205 PAS racks are slightly less turns lock to lock than a regular 205 rack, is this true?


If so, it is possible to get a shorter belt and not bother fitting a PAS pump to the 6 engine? Hence giving less weight, less drain on the engine and a 'quick rack' as such? Will i need to modify the rack in any way, or just plug the holes for the pipes? Also is it just as simple as fitting a shorter belt to the '6 engine?


Thanks in advance :)

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That's exactly what you could do, and indeed the PAS racks without the power assistance etc fitted are slightly quicker than the standard ones, 3.2 turns as opposed to 3.8 iirc, common/popular upgrade in fact!

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205 PAS racks are indeed less turns lock to lock than non-PAS - 3.2 vs 3.9 turns. Removing the ram and blocking the holes is fine - that's all I've done on my own car, and it's done 30000+ miles like that.


To run the GTi-6 engine without the PAS pump, you'll need to rig up some kind of bracket/tensioner for the alternator and run a shorter belt. If you have a look at some of the Gti-6 install threads/projects on here you'll see some of the ways that people have gone about this.

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Keep the PAS and fit a Xsara VTS rack 2.4 turns lock to lock



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Thanks people :) Makes a lot of sense then, especially looking at the price of PAS pumps :D

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Thanks people :) Makes a lot of sense then, especially looking at the price of PAS pumps :D

PAS pumps are cheap and easy enough to obtain second hand, so I wouldn't worry about that too much - certainly no need to buy one new!

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Cheers :)


This is one setup i've found, but doesn't look too clever to be honest...?




Is there a tensioner i can get from another Peugeot model that will do the trick?

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Thats ***** ***** ******


I've always liked Power Steering so I would keep it personally and I'd doubt you'll notice any differance with or without it, You can just use the Rallye/std 406 belt set up then


But for non P/S car's I just use 1 off set tensioner at the bottom

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But for non P/S car's I just use 1 off set tensioner at the bottom


Do you have a picture of this please Miles?

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