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Oil Pressure / Coolant Temp Gauges Not Working

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ive searched the forum for some answers but just wanted to post just in case im missing something. at the moment my 1.6 gti seems to have a few issues, it would start first time last week but since this cold snap the battery needs some help, need to use a booster to start the car, once running its ok. i suspect its either a bad battery or alternator. i recently bought the car and the battery light was on but as ive driven it more and more its got much dimmer to the point where i think it went out. but now its back but quite dim until ive driven for about 5 - 10 mins.


i also noticed on starting the car the oil pressure gauge moves up as normal, but after a few seconds drops down to nothing. the coolant temp gauge never moves either. from reading the forum ive ruled out the fuse as other items such as heater blower and indicators work fine. coolant is a bit low so will have that topped up shortly. oil seems fine, just below max mark on the dip stick. would this be sensor or dash related, or even alternator related?

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Check the voltage on the battery when the car is running with a multimeter. Do a search for the 'brown multiplug', as this is what all the sensor wires run through and is a very common fault as the connections corrode and it often falls to bits! trace them back from the sensors, its located above the gearbox beneath the AFM.

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Check the voltage on the battery when the car is running with a multimeter. Do a search for the 'brown multiplug', as this is what all the sensor wires run through and is a very common fault as the connections corrode and it often falls to bits! trace them back from the sensors, its located above the gearbox beneath the AFM.



cheers! found a post under search, ill link it here to just in case http://forum.205gtidrivers.com/index.php?s...99091&st=10


well at least ill have a few jobs to do over the xmas holiday if it isnt too cold outside! need to purchase a multimeter now, but im sure it will come in handy in the future! not to good at soldering so will have to either get some practise in or use some connectors.

Edited by klarky

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