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Oil Pump 8v Vs 16v?

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Is it oil pump for a 8v engine the same as a mi(1.9). I have done a quick search but am in work so cant spend a lot of time looking.

Also is there a guide on refurbishment of the oil pump, if so were is the best place to get the parts?

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All XU oil pumps are basically the same fitment, although there are differences between them in terms of castings, pressure, and gearing. You can use an 8v oil pump in an Mi if you want to, although if you're swapping the pump, I'd use one from a later 2 litre (XU10) engine - it has a higher pressure spring as standard, and you get the chain guard on the side as a small part of the oil control that the later engines had over the Mi's.


As for refurbing, in my experience the pumps wear exceptionally well and don't need refurbing as such - strip it down and check for evidence for wear/damage, and clean out the strainer on the bottom. Should otherwise be fine.

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Thanks for the reply Anthony most helpful as ever.

If I used an XU10 pump would I have to change the oil pick up?

Or is that just if I fit an XU10 sump aswell?

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XU10 pump is a straight swap - no changes needed whatsoever :)

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As said above I never heard of an oil pump failing, I got given a pump by somebody who replaced there's because they thought it was faulty.

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Tom Fenton

The only time I'd recommend changing a pump regardless is if the engine has seen a bearing failure, knocking crank, spun a shell in a rod etc.


I've seen pumps with scores and also plenty of backlash from getting metallic crap through them.

Edited by Tom Fenton

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Thanks for all the input :) .

I feel like johny 5 mmmmmm input.

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