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Bloody Misfire

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I've recently had issues starting my car under some very specific circumstances: when the right hand side is higher than the left, and it's wet :lol:


This only happens when I park at a friends house as i bump the car onto the (low) kerb (no risk of alloy damage, don't worry!)


However, the misfire issue I believe can be traced back to my first example of misfiring after i bled my coolant system and managed to get some water in the spark plug hole, when the plug was shorting out on the engine block not spaking. I don't know if the shorting here could have damaged the amp and coil, but I'll worry about that later.


Having replaced the ignition leads as the old ones were fairly knackered, the misfiring only seems to occur in the above circumstances. Once I'm off and driving it's all good.


I'm thinking that before i run off and start replacing bits at random I'd like to ensure that the contacts are all spot on. I was wondering if anyone had tried putting a tiny dab of copper grease on the spark plug ends to ensure a good connection. Obviously you'd have to be fairly careful, but it seems like a good cheap fix potentially.


Or, is copper grease definitely not the way forwards, and should i be using some proper electrical contact lube (dutch grease i think its called?!)


any other cheap fixes happily received!

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Try changing the plugs cap and rotor arm aswell.

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I had a bout of misfiring in obscure circumstances...solved by replacing the distributor signal cable (even though original was electrically sound when tested with an ohmeter).

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Sounds a bit like a loose connection if a bump or jolt seems to set it off.

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Sounds a bit like a loose connection if a bump or jolt seems to set it off.


thats what i'm thinking. will have a poke about on't weekend.

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