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Whining/high Pitch Noise

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I have a whinning high pitch noise, it is usually heard when pulling from a standstill, lasts for a few seconds afterwards and then stops.

I thought it is the clutch/flywheel. Today I heard the noise when cruising in 5th gear. Letting of the throttle the noise stops (or is so low that is masked from the exhaust/engine noise - I can't tell). It only happened twice when cruising.

What might be causing this? Clutch release bearing? The car had a new clutch and release bearing around 10k miles ago (replaced by a forum member).


Cheers :lol:

Edited by feb

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could be diff bearings,


might be wheel bearings, though they tend to be noisier and not change under power variation.


the release bearing is only 10k old as you said, so unlikely to be that, the offside shaft is also the same age so unlikely to be the intermediate bearing.


what it could be, is vibration from the engine that only happens as the engine moves to a certain position on possibly worn engine mountings?

Edited by welshpug

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If the release bearing is suspected (even if only 10K old) then try pressing lightly on the clutch pedal next time the noise occurs.


Sounds like a bearing noise but you could try spraying some drive belt spray on the drive belt. Had a similar issue on a transit once, turned out to be the alternator drive belt.


Good luck



Edited by Bally123

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could be diff bearings,


might be wheel bearings, though they tend to be noisier and not change under power variation.


the release bearing is only 10k old as you said, so unlikely to be that, the offside shaft is also the same age so unlikely to be the intermediate bearing.


what it could be, is vibration from the engine that only happens as the engine moves to a certain position on possibly worn engine mountings?


Cheers dude :blush:

I wish I was closer then you could have a look as with my mechanical knowledge I can't do much ;)


Bottom engine mount is a GrpN one and has done around 40k-50k miles so I would expect this to be OK, or how often do they need replacing?


When I had the Quaife fitted around 43k miles ago, I was told to replace something at the same time since the differential was being done, I can't remember whether these were the seals or the bearings though (what is the most common thing to replace?)


I know the top engine buffers need replacing as was pointed out to me when I was at SBC back in August, do you mean those or the top engine mount on the left hand side of the engine? I believe this has also been changed around 30k miles ago but I can't seem to find the receipt to confirm this.


It seems like the intensity of the noise increases (ever so slightly with speed) but only happened once on the way home tonight. Most of times the noise is heard when the car is cold in mornings after pulling over from junctions in 1st gear.


Vibration from engine due to worn engine mounts sounds like a good explanation from what you say I just thought they would last longer (car has done about 5 trackdays and rest is road use).


Bally, this is a separate issue I have on cold mornings too, the alternator belt is always squeaky when I start up the car and also happens when it gets wet but this is a different kind of noise and happens when pressing on the throttle even stationary whereas the whinning noise 'disappears' (or is masked by other noises) when letting off the throttle and happens when moving.

Edited by feb

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