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Tps Wiring And Jumping Through Gears

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When i aqquired my 205 gti 1.9 it had the world of problems, and after only throwing £100 at it (new small bodied starter, plugs, cap, rotor arm) Im down to one problem which is probably the only one that i caused lol.


When trying to solve a few issues by the side of the road in the dark i managed to pull the wires out of the actual socket plug on the standard Throttle position sensor and since renewing bits the only problem that i can now think of is going to be something throttle related/lack of fuel.


My question is what order (if looking down at it) do the wires go back into the plug on the TPS, i have red white and brown. F reg 1.9 gti if that makes a difference.


If fixing this solves it then great. If not, my second question would be what would cause my car to jump about like its about to stall ~(quite dramatically) at low revs when changing gear??

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Wire colours might be different but the numbers ought to be the same.

  • Pin 1 (red) wire #2.
  • Pin 2 (white) wire #3.
  • Pin 3 (brown) wire #18B.

The plug might not have the terminal numbers on so with the clip on top looking at the sockets they run right to left 1 - 3.





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The plug might not have the terminal numbers on so with the clip on top looking at the sockets they run right to left 1 - 3.


You've confused me here Graham. Do you mean right to left 3-2-1 as per the picture, or do you mean viewing from the otherside? Please clarify.

Edited by DrSarty

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I did notice that myself but luckily i know the back of my plug is numbered so i shouldnt have an issue with it. Will be going out for a drive to go over valve gaps and try and get it set up nice now that problem is out of the way!

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I did notice that myself but luckily i know the back of my plug is numbered so i shouldnt have an issue with it. Will be going out for a drive to go over valve gaps and try and get it set up nice now that problem is out of the way!


Ah, well just as a mini favour for me, can you confirm the numbering on your plug matches Graham's picture please?


I ask as it seems the convention - and I'd like to check - that looking into the connector, metal clip uppermost, they are numbered in a reading stylee, from '1' on the left to whatever number on the right.


Thanks in advance.

Edited by DrSarty

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Rich, the plug is numbered as per the picture, I checked the numbers on a different TPS plug before posting (one with the numbers), the old 205 loom I have here hasn't got the numbers on the plug.


Looking at the back of the plug (rubber boot side) they run back to front (ie; 3 2 1).



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