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Wheel Bolts?

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A quick one guys.


Is it possible to use 1.6 'pepperpot' wheels nuts on 1.9 speedlines?


If not, can I use 1.9 wheel bolts on 1.6 pepperpots?


I don't see why not, but I've noticed in some For Sale threads that the fact the bolts are from a 1.6/1.9 are specifically mentioned, so I wanted to see if there was a reason?





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You can use either bolt on either wheel without issue or safety concern.


The differences are cosmetic - the 1.6 wheelbolt head is longer than a 1.9 bolt, so they stick out (for use of a better word) on 1.9 wheels, and by the same token, 1.9 bolts sit very recessed in 1.6 wheels.

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