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Revs Hunting As It Warms Up, Eventually Cuts Out

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Got a bit of work done on the car to suspension and asked my mechanic to check what i suspected was a running rich issue.


He adjusted the AFM so it idles much lower and eimissions are down to 4% CO2.


However it seems the revs hunt now and as it warms up it eventually hunts to low and cuts out.


what should i be checking? The mechanic reckons the AFM might be dodgy but it made a huge improvement to the running when i replaced the old one with it recently.


This problem was probably around before but the fact that the car was running rich and i had the throttle control turned up probably masked it.

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4% CO is still a bit much, and if you've adjusted the AFM then adjust the idle too to suit. There's a good guide on the main site on what and how to check all the relevant components. :P

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4% CO is still a bit much, and if you've adjusted the AFM then adjust the idle too to suit. There's a good guide on the main site on what and how to check all the relevant components. :P



ok so it looks like, in terms of airflow i need to look at the AFM and the SAD and any broken or loose pipes. Anything else?

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throttle initial settings, air bypass screw, and TPS setting (and whether it actually works)

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throttle initial settings, air bypass screw, and TPS setting (and whether it actually works)


hey there, bit of a newbie with all this stuff. How do I check the things you mentioned above?

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Swapped the afm out with a known good one - problem solved!

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