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Garages Won't Take Car

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I've been arseing about with my car for months now. I had a HG go so had head rebuilt and put it back with new belts etc.

Davepug205 gave me a helping hand and it looked on track. But....since then I have had problems with ignition, wiring and now I think sensors. It will run but its rough and cuts out.


As I have no more time (or patience) to diagnose and fix things, a bad back and I need it working a.s.a.p, I figured I would get it trailered to a garage to get it sorted, a few small jobs and MOT'd. But my local garages won't touch it because I have worked on it myself. One went as far as to say, "I'm not here to sort your cocks ups out"!


Anyway, I am desperate. I need it recovering to someone who knows what they're doing and getting back running. Can anyone suggest someone worth trying? (I'm near Manchester but happy to pay for a trailer further away it it means getting it done).




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You could contact any of Tom Fenton, ReturnOfJim or AllenAllan as they know their 205's & do work on cars and are in Sheffield/Buxton so not that far and all would do a top job.

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It might be worth enticing someone on here who lives near to you to come and have a look see.

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@tom - cheers for the suggestions, I will pm later and see if anyone is interested.


@mr exe - davepug205 has been round a few times and was a huge help getting it back together. But it has got to the point where I just don't have the time to spend in the garage fixing it if I wanted to.


So it's either pay someone who does have time or buy a new car really. Which sucks.


I can't believe with the economy the way it is that garages are turning business away. So what if I did work on it? and maybe there is some stuff to put right. Surely that just means more cash for them?! It's not like I have any expectations of it being cheap or whatever. It costs what it costs and I'll pay it.

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I can pop round and have a look if you want, Just let me know if you are in on saturday, Pm me your address and get the kettle on!


I am working just behind the pyramid now, how far are you from this?

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Some garage's will turn away the business simply because they are simply scared off by older technnology! They dont want the difficult to do stuff, just the in/out as quick as you can to gain maximum profit. Which in a way especially in times as they are now you cannot blame them for. But there are ways and means to turn away business.

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I can see why, Most garage's now wouldn't have a clue where to start from anything that isn;t standard, Even then they have problems half the time

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Mike at Mikanics said he will take it on. I'm going to call his mate with a flat bed tomorrow to get it dropped off there.

I can get a good tune up when its running at the same time then.


Thank fook for that.


Pip - cheers for the offer mate. I am right near the pyramid as it happens so next time!


I can see the point of some garages not wanting to get their hands dirty on these old motors I suppose. It will be a sad day if all the specialists dry up.

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Hi matey didnt realise you hadnt got it going yet! did the new ignition bits you ordered not fix it?


Did you get it sparking in the end?


If you get stuck just give me a bell.



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Hi matey didnt realise you hadnt got it going yet! did the new ignition bits you ordered not fix it?


Did you get it sparking in the end?


If you get stuck just give me a bell.




It sparked when I took those new bits off! Yes, I got it running for about a minute but then cut out. It will run now but it's really rough and cuts out after idling for a bit.

Sounds sensor related to me, but it needs MOT anyway so might as well get it all sorted at Mikes.


Will give you a shout when its running if you want a go.

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Sounds like ignition timing, I think it wants the dissy adjusting with a timing light top get it spot on.


yep keep us updated :lol:



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When booking in a car like this, don't say you have been working on it, say you bought it, and won't run properly.



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If you haven't tried the fuel pump yet and have a spare to try it'd be worth a go.


I had very similar symptoms as mine was on its way out, started fine, ran for a few mins and then cut out. Took us ages to work out what it was and changed all ignition parts, tachyymetric relay, etc and then tried the pump as a last resort and it was that!

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Just waiting to get hold of the recovery bloke now to get it to Mike - I'm sure he will have it running quicker than me now.

It needed an MOT and tune up anyway so I had to get it to a garage running or not. I would feel a bit more confident knowing my work had been checked over by a pro too.


@galifrey - you might be right, but I took their reluctance to touch it as a lack of confidence they know what are doing. I'd rather they turned it away than bluffing them and then they can't fix it or spend ages trying to diagnose simple faults.

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