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Miss Reading Petrol Gauge

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ive just done a search on it and couldnt find anything.


basically the petrol gauge constantly goes up and down, then may die, then come back and go up and down.

it does this slowly but constantly.


anyone else had a problem like this an if so whats the best way to fix it


cheers will

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anyone else had a problem like this

.. yes :( ..



whats the best way to fix it


.. well , nothing much you can do really :rolleyes: get used to it and it'll be fine B)


Damir B)

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Mine does the same when cold, once it warms up its better..


My speedo under reading worries me more, need a dash sticker and tilt it left a few degrees.

Edited by Galifrey

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a new sender is 75 quid too! :blink:

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It could be just a broken connection in the wiring between the sender and the gauge.

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Or a bad earth somewhere maybe?


My petrol gauge isn't very accurate at all when just below a quarter of a tank.

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£75 thats crazy.


yea mines the same as that, it messes around and then once below 1/4 of a tank it gets really bad.


il try cleaning and checking the complete circuit


cheers will

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Both of my cars once they get down to below a 1/4 they fluctuate. I put a new sender unit in one 4 years ago after checking the wiring/ earth points but it didn't help alot. I just get used to it and know not to run it too long after the red light comes on.

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firstly check the earth in the boot.


open boot, left hand side, peel back inner carpet stuff, the big hole, connecter block with green wires.




inspect... chances are you'll find lots of copper oxide everywhere, take apart the connector, unbolt the bit mounted on the chassis, clean this all up with brush / wet and dry , use copper grease and refit.


this fixed it for me.

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firstly check the earth in the boot.


open boot, left hand side, peel back inner carpet stuff, the big hole, connecter block with green wires.




inspect... chances are you'll find lots of copper oxide everywhere, take apart the connector, unbolt the bit mounted on the chassis, clean this all up with brush / wet and dry , use copper grease and refit.


this fixed it for me.


Use dielectric grease if you can find some...



Edited by Galifrey

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thanks for the help guys, will give it a go once i can bare the cold

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Mine is a pain to read too, I put a full tank of petrol in it yesterday, and it took four miles for it to register full... lol!

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Mine used to be a pain, totally inaccurate at the bottom end - the warning light would come on and it would run out 1/2 mile further on.


After I ran out of petrol one day I decided to sort it, ended up being a faulty gauge so I bought a new set of clocks of eBay and it's been great ever since - the oil temperature gauge used to be way off also, so that got sorted as well :lol:

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Mine used to do something similar until I replaced it (tank sender) with one from a scrappy.


The circuit board inside was all messed up..


Probably that I would think. There must still be a few 205's in the scrappys over there:-)

Edited by christopher

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