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Guest Petenic

Got A Problem...

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Guest Petenic


I have just recently bought a bit of a shed - it's a 1987 205 gti-s for a bit of fun autotesting and /or track daying.. but dipsite what the previous owner said (it normally sarts with a jump ) im having difficulty getting it going... :lol:


To cut a long story short, it was getting no fuel or spark ,so tachometric relay was first port of call, eventually get a good 2nd hand one today,with high hopes..


Well it didn't start straight away as i'd hoped ,so put a spare plug in one of the plug leads to see if I was now getting a spark ,and suddenly I was and it started! :)


Oh happy days I thought,until it stopped 30 seconds later !! no fuel ,no spark..looking futher, no power to coil,but I could manually 'trip' tachometric relay to fuel pump working...after much looking around for something loose,which I couldn't find,I ended up putting 12v direct from the battery to the coil and it started and drove round the block for 10 minutes with no problem.


So ,obviously this is not really a solution, so where does that feed wire come from? is it the ecu? what's making it come in and out like that?


Any thought's on the matter would be greatly appricated ..





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Guest Petenic

ok ,thanks for that,i will have look at wire numbers to try to identify where they go -unfortunatly the car is stored at my work which is 12 miles away..


But do you have any idea's why the power to the coil should come and go?


And also thinking about it ,when i put 12v direct to the coil ,it was on the side with only 1 conection on it , i think it was the negative side,-which sounds wrong! but when the car was initially running ok ,i did check both sides of the low tension of the coil and they did both have 12v's....





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