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Driving Lights Dont Work. Help

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just fitted brand new ring halogen driving lights- its the first time the car has had any driving lights since i have owned the car. evetytyhing is wired up properly and i believe as standerd the lights are supose to come on with main beam.... they dont

i think it may be either a fuse or the relay is missing. does anyone know were i would fined the driving lamp relay or fuse so i can check it.

(its a phase1 D reg) thanks


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have you checked the yellow plugs behind the headlights, as these are usually corroded by now either replace them or clean them up with a needle file and get some wd40 sprayed in there to protect them.

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conections seam good but just checked the voltage at the pins and im getting 2v suply and thts it! dont understand... wots goin on??

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2V is a voltage drop due to corroded connectors somewhere. Try putting the multimeter negative probe directly onto the battery negative with the positive probe still on the driving light plug, if it then shows 12V check the driving lights earth. If it still shows 2V put the multimeter positive probe directly on the battery and the negative probe on the driving light plug, if that shows 12V there is some corrosion on a connector somewhere between the relay on the bulkhead and the driving light, sometimes the wires themselves rust inside the insulation and the whole length needs replacing in extreme cases.

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Comming back to this topic - I have similar problem. Before striping the car the dri ing lights worked just fine bu after putting everything back together they don't work. Where's the relay and which fuses do I have to check as the wiring should be ok?

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