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1991 205 Xt, Need It To Be Faster!

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When I had my old xs, I got nice gains with a mild, hotter cam (if you know what I mean), 4-2-1 exhaust manifold, recurved dizzy and larger carb jets.

Then I went mad and fitted a much hotter cam and a Weber 38DGAS carb. It was wild at the top end, but driveability suffered and I had a nightmare trying to set the carb up correctly.

As usual, with n/a engines there is no cheap upgrade.

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cheers guys, Im off to ebay to search for some XS carbs, Camshaft and gearbox!


I hope for the sake of your bank balance that you haven't bought any of these as i explained before the XT has the gearbox and carb as standard and the cam will most likely be totally screwby by now.

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My mistake then!! I didn't think the XT had the short XS gearbox on it!!

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I didn't know the xt had the twin choke, or the same box as the xs! never even knew the xt exsisted before I read swordfish's thread!


You could always try and get a S1 106 xsi head, again good luck finding one!


Cheers, Ali

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You could always try and get a S1 106 xsi head, again good luck finding one!


Cheers, Ali


Theres inherant problems with fitting one of those though. The bigger valves will allow more gas through but unless you're on the limit everywhere you tend to lose gas velocity so it will feel sluggish in the low rev range. You also have the problems of the enlarged combustion chambers which are desinged to work with the domed pistons that i've fitted to my engine. Without them you'll lose a lot of compression with obvious consequences.

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I had a 205 xs with a newmans 285 cam running on twin 40s and would not waste the money again. a well set up standard xs i felt was just as fun and quick. the weber noise is second to none though.


Unless your gonna be competing and you need that little bit extra (or find parts dead cheap) i would say dont bother.


Buy a 106 xsi or AX GTI on the cheap :rolleyes: for cheap tu 1360cc thrills (if you are lucky to find them)

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Buy an AX GTI on the cheap :rolleyes: for cheap tu 1360cc thrills (if you are lucky to find them)


Second :mellow: They're huge amounts of fun, going that fast in something that has the build quality of a bin liner.


The only reason that my car has gotten to the spec that it is at now is because i am doing it as an engineering excercise. I started modifying it 4 years ago becuse i was bored and i decided to see what i could do with the thing. I kept the 1360 engine because i wanted to have a go at rebuilding one and i didn't see any challenge in just replacing the engine with something else (not anything from the PSA range anyway)


Allmost everything i've done to the car has been either because i fancied the challenge or because of budgetry constraints. Yeah, it would have been easier to make it go faster by fitting a bigger engine but where the fun in that :mellow:

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Thanks for all the advice guys, I think, because Im on a tight budget that Im going to leave the engine alone, Its quite nippy as it is anyway and maybe look out for a cheap Gti in the new year,


Any idea what my XT is worth? Mot till april, no tax, 30mm lowering springs 1.6 gti alloys its a 1991 on a J reg think its done 112k miles

Edited by CTI STU

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Thanks for all the advice guys, I think, because Im on a tight budget that Im going to leave the engine alone, Its quite nippy as it is anyway and maybe look out for a cheap Gti in the new year,


Any idea what my XT is worth? Mot till april, no tax, 30mm lowering springs 1.6 gti alloys its a 1991 on a J reg think its done 112k miles


£300 if you're lucky.

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Just as well I didn't get one then! I knew about the compression issues but thought this could be solved by skimming a lot.


Also i think you will be able to get more than £300 if it is tidy and not thrashed.



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Second :o They're huge amounts of fun, going that fast in something that has the build quality of a bin liner.


The only reason that my car has gotten to the spec that it is at now is because i am doing it as an engineering excercise. I started modifying it 4 years ago becuse i was bored and i decided to see what i could do with the thing. I kept the 1360 engine because i wanted to have a go at rebuilding one and i didn't see any challenge in just replacing the engine with something else (not anything from the PSA range anyway)


Allmost everything i've done to the car has been either because i fancied the challenge or because of budgetry constraints. Yeah, it would have been easier to make it go faster by fitting a bigger engine but where the fun in that ;)


Mark your build is a credit to the 1360 TU pug 205s.It is a proven fact that they have huge potential in the Sub 1400 classes when built and set up correctly.

Also I big thumbs up to adams Build aswell http://forum.205gtidrivers.com/index.php?showtopic=76939

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Mark your build is a credit to the 1360 TU pug 205s.It is a proven fact that they have huge potential in the Sub 1400 classes when built and set up correctly.

Also I big thumbs up to adams Build aswell http://forum.205gtidrivers.com/index.php?showtopic=76939


Thanks mate. Adam's selling his 205 now to concentrate on his GSXR powered locost.

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Thanks mate. Adam's selling his 205 now to concentrate on his GSXR powered locost.


does he have it up for sale anywhere? it might be worth breaking some bits of it, to make him more money.

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I don't think it's official yet, but he mentioned on Retro Rides that it was going.

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