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Citreon C4 Wheels

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I've heard off somebody that the 306gti6 boys are trying to keep these quiet.


Apparently they're the same dimensions as the Citreon C5 wheels but made out of aluminium....


Just seeing if anybody has used them and if they fit.

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I think thats what everyone on here has been raving about aswell?

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The earlier C5 ones are alloy too...


In fact, it's probably someone getting the C4 and C5 mixed up anyway!

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Ah I see, think i'll be keeping an eye out for a set of these and some track day tires.

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I have a set... thought you already knew that. 4.6kgs... very light.

mine are C5, alloy steelies.

Edited by kyepan

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I have a set off a C5 too, so you're more than likely getting confused :D I have just however looked into it, as I know the 607 uses a 5 stud 16" "alloy" wheel.


Wont be much use off a C4 as they run much deeper offsets, the offset varies from 26 to 31, width varies from 6.0 to 6.5 and 15 or 16" diameter in "steel"


one wheel stands out as possibly being an "alloy" like the C5's wheels as its far more expensive than the others which are between the £28 and £37 each mark, is the 5401 K9, 6x15" ET27 wheel at £62 each

Edited by welshpug

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