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[car_upgrade] Project Pug, 205 Rallye (my First Project!)

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So long as you checked it on the old belt it'll be fine :)


It's just one of those things that many people don't do and don't realise about the pulleys slipping, so they time it up as per the Haynes manual and bend valves when they subsequently turn the engine over.

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I still don't get it :huh: ! Are you a squaddy or something to do with spanners :):P


both lol, im in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers B) . i fix landrovers and the like. worked in a few normal garages before i joined tho.

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I love your project, it was your topic that made me find this website through google. Your doing an amazing job, keep up the great work :)



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Any more updates al?


Sorya bout the cock up with the caliper, im not letting him send anything else!

Edited by tomcolinjones

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Any more updates al?


Sorya bout the cock up with the caliper, im not letting him send anything else!


Don't worry about it!


Updates? Not really, I'm at the point of spending lots of money on lots and lots of things! This month I'v bought - BBM hose + thermostat housing, BBM gear lever bush, GTI master cylinder, speedo cable, accelerator cable, clutch cable, clutch fork, rebuilt beam radiator and loads of other little bits!


The guy who is doing my spraying is really busy at the moment so it will be done end of the month. At the moment I'm keeping myself busy prepping the valance and arches for paint, also rebuilding and cleaning my calipers. Anthony is building my beam at the moment too :)


I now have a deadline too, I have my position for beach lifeguarding for the summer in Weymouth, 16th of may :lol: So I can't wait to get it back from paint to start putting it back together pronto!

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Righto, finally got the car down the road to a friends paint shop where the engine bay, arches, front valance and some very small surface rust is being sprayed.




Picked up a few bits from my local Peugeot 205 parts place (Anthony :lol:) Rebuilt 1.6 GTI beam lowered approx 25mm



My BBM hoses came through, I also got the gear linkage bush to go on the GTI sub frame



Purchased a silicone reducer so my cone filter can fit on (freebe from my brothers old 306 GTI tongue.gif)




Then set about the gearbox, the most bastardised part of the entire build I think, I hope this will help other for a definite answer.

Citroen Xsara VTS 5speed box, Peugeot 205 GTI BE3 clutch arm + selector arm, Peugeot 205 GTI BE3 diff with Xsara VTS crown wheel



I have also replaced the clutch arm bushes, new roller bearing on both sides of the diff and drive shaft oil seals, if it helps here is the VTS diff and 205 diff side by side,



(VTS on left, slight bigger crown wheel, also bolts are in different ways!?)


Heres it all together, I gave it a good degrease, lots of thread lock and nice a tight! (I have no idea how you would get those bolts of without an air line and gun though!


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I chopped up a 8v GTI tensions to make a crude one for the GTI6 set up, got a belt from my local factors to fit


And this is how the engine is sitting now, pretty much done. Should all be going back together when it comes back from paint! happy.gif



Edited by allye

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Good looking project fella. Keep up the good work :)

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Looking good mate! I think I might change my alternator bracket now Iv seen how you've done it. :)

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Looking good mate! I think I might change my alternator bracket now Iv seen how you've done it. :)


Its not perfect as you can't 'screw it tight' like standard, but it shouild do!

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Looks really good, been looking for a rallye myself.



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nice work a credit to you B)

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Been at the body shop the last few days and will be tomorrow. Engine bay ready now, after mainy hours of sanding and cleaning!



The rust on the B piller wasnt too bad, just a tiny hole that my paint guy dropped some weld in, grinded, filled and sanded.




Other side wasnt nearly as bad, just a tidy up.



A 'friend' reversed into the bonnet with his huge ifor williams trailer <_< so thats been sorted.



Sand blasted brakes and hubs then painted them with high temp paint, new wheel bearings, Baz's bolts, big red rebuild kit is very good + stainless nipple! oolala :lol:




Rebuilt subframe with new ARB bushes, bones and drop links, BBM bronze bush, have new track rod ends to go on the 1year old rack as well ^_^ I did have some 2nd bones but gave up on them as the polybushes were not great.



Gearbox on engine now with new clutch and starter on all ready to be dropped in



Get the car back on monday for things to be bolted back on at last :rolleyes: need to clean and underseal the bottom first.

Edited by allye

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Already for paint now, just finished masking it up, get it back tuesday. :)






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Got it back! As I'v got till the 15th of April to put it all together I thought I should get my arse into gear :lol: Putting things back on finally is very nice.


Few little bits in the fresh engine bay (need to mount tank a bit more to the right I think)



Some interior bits!!? Oh my. And yes, I got hold of some red seat belts ^_^



Got the old sub frame off and started putting the new one in, then I went home :unsure:





I'v got all week off work so the engine should be in before the week is out!....hopefully

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Also quick one of where the old rust was



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looking good!

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So another day on the car, another update! Am I boring you yet?


Any ho, First job of the day was get the old beam off and stone chip the underside and arches, I ran out so have a little more to do but got most of it done.









Then got the GTI subframe on (new bones, TRE's, and drop links, steering rack is about a year old, new ARB bushes)



New 1.6 GTI beam on, rebuilt by Anthony -25mm, sits just how I wanted it too. Shocks are a little old but I tested them and they are certainlly still damping! New suspension will be next year or something -_-





Also got the front suspension apart for new springs and a lick of paint, the springs are Peugeot sport (I think!?) from GTI6boys old Rallye supposed to be -25mm but are shorter than the old ones :blink: a lote thicker though.



Got the rest of the week so more updates to come tomorrow! :lol:

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Great project and work, well done!

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Great project and work, well done!


Thanks! :D Its all coming together very nicely, its been a long time coming though! :lol:

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Not much in the last day! Bad weather <_< got the front struts apart, cleaned and gave them a lick of paint. Just to see me over till I get some tasty stuff next year. They are spax shocks and still damping very well so I'm in no massive hurry or need to change them.


Didn't take any photos of them! But got the hubs and struts on and finally back on its shoes.





Started putting my aero catches in, after doing one side the sh***y hole cutters went blunt so will get some more and finish the job tomorrow. I'm very impressed with the catch set though, they will look great when done.




Plan is to put the engine in tomorrow weather pending ^_^

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make sure you don't move it about as it stands there, or the front wheel bearings will come apart!

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make sure you don't move it about as it stands there, or the front wheel bearings will come apart!


You had me worried all night there WP as I pushed it round the corner for a clean! They are fine though.


(phone pictures today, I'm sorry -_-)




Wheeled her out of the shed for the first time since december, took the cam belt cover off for one last check and turn over a few times - peace of mind B)



my alternator tensioning set up (copy right Rallyeash 2011) - yes my alternator is mounted upside down! Works very well though.



In she goes! All by myself ^_^, about an hour of jiggery pokery and it was all bolted in




Had a little mock up with some bits



And the obligatory GTI6 conversion thread master cyclinder photo, some trimming needed



Drive shafts in



Although its not completely settled yet, I'm very happy with how its sitting, I was very worried about the heavy engine making it sit too low.



One last front ender :wub:



So, let doing all the little fiddly jobs begin!

Edited by allye

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nice work mate, patent pending on the blatent copy of the alternator adjuster :lol:


bet it feels good to make some real progress :wub:


you will prob need to trim the length on the aerocatch pins down, foul on the headlights.

Edited by rallyeash

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Yer feels (and looks :ph34r:) great, I'v edited the photo description for extra accuracy!!


(P.S. Those BBM engine mounts are fookin stiff :blink:)

Edited by allye

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