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Extreme Lightweight Music Installation ;-)

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I've got some good music equipment laying around since 3 years without installing it, because it means much weight in my 205 gti ... i've tested several concepts, including bottom installations and plug&play subwoofer framings. But now i got the ultimate lightweight install:







doesn't sound as good as a closed frame but not as bad as i thought. and its nothing more than the really needed stuff.

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bit ghetto there! god help any passengers sitting on that seat :ph34r:

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Are you using a "free air" sub? Or is this a P*$$ take?

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It'll 'work', but not very well.


The boot will isolate the rear wave from the front, so to a degree it'll function as a baffle or an enclosure.


But as an enclosure the boot volume will be waaaaaay too big to provide any form of acoustical suspension to benefit the speaker's performance or handling.


On top of that, if the seat back hasn't been hollowed out (i.e. the foam removed), then the sub will also be being strangled as there's nowhere for the front sound wave to propogate.


I would not recommend this type of installation. I tiny 6inch sub in a diddy box, or even a pair of decently amplified 6x9 speakers on a solid shelf will out-perform this easily. Too much effort for zero gain IMO...sorry.

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It'll 'work', but not very well.


The boot will isolate the rear wave from the front, so to a degree it'll function as a baffle or an enclosure.


But as an enclosure the boot volume will be waaaaaay too big to provide any form of acoustical suspension to benefit the speaker's performance or handling.


On top of that, if the seat back hasn't been hollowed out (i.e. the foam removed), then the sub will also be being strangled as there's nowhere for the front sound wave to propogate.


I would not recommend this type of installation. I tiny 6inch sub in a diddy box, or even a pair of decently amplified 6x9 speakers on a solid shelf will out-perform this easily. Too much effort for zero gain IMO...sorry.


first of all, i got 2 of this woofers, second i removed the foam, third i reinforced the whole seat with wood. i know that the volume of the rear will be a bit to big, but thats better than driving around with a whole forest in my trunk. the fun this car makes is the acceleration, my priorities are clear. and the sound is better than with all this stuff laying around in the garage ... ;-)

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