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8v Turbo No Spark, But Got It Running With Mc Gyver Style

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Dear all,


a friend of mine got a problem with his Citroen Evasion (pug 806 brother) with the 8V turbo lump.


It started to cut the engine out intermittently.


The Citroen dealer did put a new doublerelais in and said something about the corroded plug.


The engine run again, but only for a day then started again to cut out.


Today I had a look at all plugs I could reach - and they all seem very fine - even the plugs which are corroded are in better nick, than the most

on any other loom I´ve seen before.


After connecting everything up again we tried the old relais and the car did not start - O.K. - not much wonder, but it refused to start even with the new relais afterwards. Bollocks! B)


I then dismantled the old relais to see what could have caused the fault - but other than a bit of moisture in there, it seems fine.


then I short-cutted both relais in the old,open relais, holding them locked with my fingers - the pump primed, the ingnition clicked - the engine started.


So what? :D


It seems, the relais does not get the impuls to engage correctly. Prior to this the engine even cut out whilst driving.


So I dont think it could be the cps, because the engine runs with modified doublerelais (modification here is a bit of ducktape holding the relais closed) , and if the ecu doesnt get the correct information of where OT is, it would misfire, as far as I understood.


My next thought is, that the ecu is locked somehow, but we are both not aware, that the car has an immobiliser of any sort. There is no keypad. Could there be a Chip inside the Key, which is damaged?

Or could it be the ignitionlock?


please, can someone track the fault with this symptoms?





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The new relay could be faulty...


Its not an immobliser/locked ECU problem as it wouldn't run at all, even with the relay manually triggered.

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as jack said you have had it started so your ecu is either unlocked or got 12v going to it in your loom somewhere. try get another relay, 3rd time lucky maybe ?

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I will tell him to claim a new Relais from the dealer, as the last new relais is only a week old.


I´ll report back






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make sure all the connections on the plug are solid and not loose

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