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How Do You Remove The Central Vents In The Dash?

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With the actual vent unit removed (that's the easy bit), how do you remove the two separate finned parts?


I thought I'd got it sussed when I worked out how to pop the little D shaped plugs from each end, but still no good. I've tried levering with a small screw driver, and can get them half way out, but it's still pretty tight and I don't want to go too far and break the parts.


This is because I want to try and mount 2 gauges in there, by the way.

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Got this cracked now if anyone else is interested.


1 - Remove the D shaped plugs at each end. To do this, stick a small flat blade screwdriver inside from behind to push the clip out.

2 - The vent needs to be slid out the back, not the front. To do this it needs to rotated so it is facing straight down, so...

3 - Turn the vent fully down, then hold it with one hand applying pressure as if you want to turn it further than it wants to go

4 - Whilst doing this, put the screwdriver down the middle section and lever out the hinge bit at that side

5 - When the middle hinge pops out it's hole, the vent will now rotate (if you are still applying pressure) fully so that it is facing straight down. You can now slide it out the back of the housing.



Next step is to work out how I'm going to mount the gauges in there :D

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