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Engine Loom Connections And Wishbone

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After rebuilding my suspension due to a worn bush in the top of one of the struts, I can get the wishbone balljoint back into the hub carrier. Is there any special way of doing this? I've tried putting a jack under it and hitting it with a plastic mallet, but cant get it in far enough to put in the bolt. I don't want to put the full weight of the car on the wishbone balljoint unless the bolt is in, as to not cause any damage if it comes apart...







I have also reterminated all the engine loom plugs, but where do these go??





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Looks like you're pretty close with the ball joint. Make sure the ball joint pin, the part entering the hub housing, is well greased. It should really spring into place....did on my CTi but that has base model suspension (grr!) so might be different for GTi. Try moving the hub housing (ie the strut) around, to encourage movement...of course make sure car is stable on axle stands. Once you're sure pn is well entered, if it still doesn't go all the way in, jack it up from below the ball joint. You won't be putting the entire weight of the car on it, just jacking against the suspension..you should soon see if that's helping or not....ideally use a scissors jack as it's easier to control for this. Remember the pin can go up too far, so keep an eye on the bolt hole, & you should see when the groove in the pin lines up with the bolt hole....or gently hold the bolt in the hole while you jack, & you'll reach a point where the bolt suddenly goes in all the way.


Sorry can't help with wiring query.

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red one is for models with 2 fans and relaybox, mostly unused.

brown one probably for direction light?

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red one is for models with 2 fans and relaybox, mostly unused.

brown one probably for direction light?


It should go in pretty easily. A few taps are needed to get it in the correct position but not excessive amounts which sounds like your having to do. Are you sure the drive shaft is in correctly? If it's too far out it will force the hub out so it won't line up correctly.



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yeah i would check the inner cv joint hasnt come out as its easily done.

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your best bet is to partially take the weight of the car on the balljoint and wiggle the hub, it should go into place quite easily.


thats what i would do and have been doing recently, it seems ball joints just keep going on me??

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Sorted it. Turned out the driveshaft intermediate bearing wasnt fully driven in to the lower engine mount. Stuck it in with the old brummie spanner and a lot of grease, Ball joing then went in almost immediately. ;)

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