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Gaz Gha Question

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Hiya Guys


I fitted my GAZ GHA suspension to my CTI this weekend and i noticed something.


When i was fitting one of the front shocks on i noticed that when i was screwing the top bolt on the center piston rod the very small bit at the top was moving independently. This was not the piston moving, which was what i originally thought.


To make this clearer i've annotated a picture


The Red arrow is the small bit which is moving indepently from the Blue arrow the threaded bit. I thought these were the same piece, unless there are actually 2 pistons, one inside each other? Any ideas? Does it even matter?


Reason i'm asking is because the other shock doesn't do this




Thanks Guys

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Tom Fenton

The bit with the red arrow is the adjuster which allows you to alter the damping.

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The bit with the red arrow is the adjuster which allows you to alter the damping.



^What he said, it's a seperate piece with a little shaft all the way down the rod to a valve in the piston.

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Thanks guys, makes sense now.


One more question.


Is anti clockwise less damping and clockwise more damping?


One is loose and moves about abit the other is tight and doesnt move. Is it just a matter of adjusting the damping to tighten it up?



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Clockwise for more, anticlockwise for less - you should always set them from fully closed, as it's more accurate than setting them from fully open.


One being loose is probably just the tolerances on the hole + small shaft - it's a long, small hole that's been gundrilled, they're never spot on without some really trick equipment and tooling (and paying a lot more £££) - it shouldn't matter anyway as it's sealed by a pair of o-rings.

Edited by Rippthrough

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They're brand new internals so I wouldn't worry about a small amount of free play. Relax. :ph34r:


Ps you should get the adjuster tomorrow. ;)

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