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How To Check A Driveshaft In Situ?

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i have a suspicion that my driveshaft may be knackered. its just had both cv boots changed (on the one shaft) for the mot and a few days after i got it back i got the 'clicking' when on full lock, or close to full lock. is there any way of inspecting the shaft without taking it off the car?

my only other suspision is that it could be the top mount bearing, as the garage also did a bit of welding to the strut top and to be honest the did a w*nk job if it so i wouldnt be suprised if they somehow buggered it up whilst they were there!

any help apprecited


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With the car on the ground grab the shaft and try to twist it backwards and forwards. If there is a noticable amount of play than it's probabaly shagged.

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