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Parts Horror

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Just been on to service box and there seems to be a massive increase in NFP (not from Peugeot) listed parts, things as common as the plate on the inside of the door where the wing mirror fixes, impossible to get off intact! Are we in for a tough time when restoring these cars and how easily are we going to be able to get bits like these??!!

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It will either be not available at all,you will have to find as good a condition used as poss,or someone will have bought all remaining stock and it will soon be up for sale at alot more than Pug wanted :angry:

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Funny you should mention the plastic bit on the inside of the wing mirror, as I've just had to trash one taking it off to replace the missus' wing mirror. I hope I can get a replacement, as second hand one will probably be all broken too!

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Are we in for a tough time when restoring these cars and how easily are we going to be able to get bits like these??!!

The same way that owners of older cars before us have coped just fine - after all, there's many cars out there that the original manufacturers don't even exist anymore, let alone a dealer network setting spare parts, and somehow they manage to restore and run cars. Basically, second hand parts will become more valueable and hander to get hold of (indeed, this is already happening) and new parts like gold dust unless there's enough demand to manufacture more, but for the majority of stuff I don't foresee that being an issue in the immediate future. There's been alot of parts listed as NLP for quite some time now - Servicebox makes for grim reading sometimes!

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Yeah have to agree.


I've been making a big push to finish my car and have been ordering lots of parts from the dealers which said at first they were in stock. To then be told a few weeks later that they dont have them anymore.


Luckily there have been a few cars which have been broken down which had the parts i needed.


Went to see a car (CTI) which had most things which are sort after. It was tempting to just take everything, but thought i would be nicer to leave those parts for others which would need them and only took what i actually needed.


I'm sure there will be others who will horde things to sell on as a mark up on Ebay

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