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1.1 Saxo Kangerooing

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My friend has a 1.1 saxo and last week she complained it's started kangerooing when pulling away from standstill.


I was following her yesterday and could see it happening.


If she comes off throttle and out of gear and puts it back in again it clears it.


I guess this is possibly spark related. I don't know any thing about these engines so is there a common problem it could be?


Could it be coil/ignition amp related?

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It could be that the pedals are that close together shes pressing the brake with the clutch and the accelerator with the brake :) Have you tried to drive one of those things :lol:


On a serious note it will be the coilpack it should be next the rocker (square thing) If I remember rightly same as a 306?


Anyway hope that helps



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