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205 And 309 Gti Exhaust Differences

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In the process of stripping a 309 and removed the exhaust and wondered if the pipe between manifold and backbox is the same as a 205? I quickly compared it to one on a 205 and it seemed the same length. I'm guessing the 309 exhaust system gets it's extra length from the backbox and not the other pipe (by the way what's this pipe called)?



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I fitted a 309 full magnex system and manifold to one of my 205 gti's, iirc the only thing I had to do was 'cut and shut' the tailpipe :)

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there's about an inch in it i think, i have two complete systems, one of each and compared them one day

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Would someone mind checking service box to see if the 205 and 309 parts have the same part number? Once I know for definate I'll stick it in the forsale section, it's got no box so I'm assuming it's GRPN??

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the front section are definately a slightly different length. Unfortunately I have an original 309 back box with pattern front (olive fit) and the 205 one is all pattern I think and slide fit from memory



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