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Garage Available? Greater London?

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Hi all...


I dawned on me the other day as I looked at my slightly rusted mudflaps, and the dent in my bonnet, and the general messy appearence of my pug that she needs the work she deserves!! The only trouble is that I dont have the space as I live in a small two-bed flat. I hoping to find a 205 sympathizer who can hook me up with a great deal on renting some sort of garage space in the Greater London area (all areas considered).. I also noticed on this day of pondering that there really aren't that many of these cars left on the road... I cant remember the last time I saw one other than mine, compare that to when I first owned one and its a little alarming!! Well I know its a long shot but any advice or direct response would be much appreciated... also, even though I have spent hours (maybe days) reading this forum this is my first proper post so if I have breached some sort of forum rules than I apologize and please scroll on...




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I'll second that, a garage a group of us could use in the greater london area would be a bloody godsend. Especially in these dark, short days. Also a 4 post lift would be handy...

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Get in touch with Foreigner. He has a lock up in Hackney that he was trying to drum up some interest in recently. If you do a search for his topics under his profile, you should find the topic I'm on about. It's something I'm interested in as well, but not really on a long term basis as I can't afford it. And I want to use my car for the time being rather than get bogged down in more work, but I certainly could do with having some space at some point just to give it a good going over.

Edited by GLPoomobile

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I'll second that, a garage a group of us could use in the greater london area would be a bloody godsend. Especially in these dark, short days. Also a 4 post lift would be handy...


You have pretty much described this place: http://www.pitstartgarage.com/

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Wow, never knew about this place, £10 per hour isnt that bad for free tools and a lift ;) happy days

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Wow, never knew about this place, £10 per hour isnt that bad for free tools and a lift ;) happy days


£20 per hour with a lift

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Wow, never knew about this place, £10 per hour isnt that bad for free tools and a lift ;) happy days


That bill will soon build up once a bolt is seized/rounded...

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That bill will soon build up


TBH I would be grateful for the motivation, I might actually get something finished if I was paying for the time it took me :)


Edit: Its worth pointing out that those prices are higher due to being in London, there is a similar place in Norfolk called I-Tuned that charges £5 per hour for bays and £8.50 with lifts. Their website is down though so they might have gone out of business I suppose - http://i-tuned.com/

Edited by jackherer

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Their website is down though so they might have gone out of business I suppose - http://i-tuned.com/


Maybe Apple didn't like the domain name :)

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