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Completed Engine Change - Starter Not Working

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Well I've finished changing the engine - finally filled it up with fluids today as the battery finished charging - went to try and start it.


All the dash lights come on until I turn the key all the way - then they all go out and nothing. No solenoid click (should I hear one?). I'm pretty sure it's all been wired correctly. The starter was new a couple of years ago and started the old engine last time I tried it.


Any ideas what I should check first?


I hate electrics :ph34r:

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Could be a few things mate, can you give us details of the car and what engine you've put in.

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All the lights should go out when you hit the 3rd click on the key, but you should here a click from the starter solenoid if it's wired correctly. Check the continuity between the blue solenoid wire coming from the multiplug under the dash and the connecter at the starter, or just from the engine bay multiplug to starter for now. Also check your battery positive on the starter

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2 wires on the brown plugs might be the wrong way round, thats if you've bought a converted loom.

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Sounds like it could just be a flat battery or a bad conection on it. Also chech your earth.

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Could be a few things mate, can you give us details of the car and what engine you've put in.

Sorry I should have said - straight swap standard 1.9 8v for same but less knackered.


The battery is fully charged, so I'm guessing it's probably a bad connection.


Can I assume from some of the replies so far it goes through the dreaded brown plug?


I'll check - blue multiplug wire and earth first then...

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There's sometimes a different between old and new looms as I found out.


The starter and 12live were the worng way round, just take apart the plug and swap them round. Thats if it is the problem!


I found the 12v to be red and the starter wire blue.


If not the earth or the 12v supply to the shunt box springs to mind (black fuse box in engine bay)

Edited by paul_xiii

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just to be clear: No loom change - the only thing changed is the lump. Everything was re-connected in the same way as it came off, which is why I'm stumped.


I will check the fuses though :).

Edited by DooBeDooBeDo

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Fuses and gearbox earth strap. And yeah, the starter soleniod wire runs through that dreaded plug

Edited by gti-si

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I'd pop the sensor loom off and ground it one by one, you'll either have put the alt on the solenoid terminal or the brown plug needs a good wiggle. Have you tired putting the ign on and then feeding the solenoid 12v off the battery see if it works that way??


I'm only round the corner could pop over next week if you haven't got it sorted :) (coffee optional but preferred)

Edited by James_R

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Also have you used the same starter as you had before or are you using a different one?

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Just some guesses here:


You said you just swapped the engine, but it is possible that the two swapped wires mentioned here (the switched live and solenoid) are in the brown plug on the new engine.


I would agree that the first thing to do is take a live 12v feed (with care) to the terminal on the solenoid and see if the solenoid and starter have life.


In situations like this we often have to eliminate possibilites one by one.


Agree too that the engine earth strap may be poor. This causes many problems on many old cars. Thicker and shorter with good, clean contacts is always best.


And it still COULD be the battery at an outside chance, although you should get some solenoid click even from one that's fairly shagged.


Good luck and keep us posted as to what fixes it.

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Well I've had it running \o/ - although only briefly. It turned out to be a dodgy connection to the solenoid behind the ns headlamp.


The solenoid needs replacing as some of the connectors have nearly rusted through. I think I need a new battery too, but it had just enough juice to fire it up.


@James_R: you're more than welcome to pop round for a coffee - you can even watch me swear at the brake bleed nipples if you like (next and hopefully final job before it goes for an MOT).

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Can pop over next thursday if you're still stuck :P

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