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Xu7/9 Hybird Strip Down

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So some of you may have read I only managed to Foxhole at the ring last weekend before having engine expiry issues. From the strip down it's clear no.1 has spun, the rest of the shells were clean, and the engine suffered no pressure loss (20PSi stop light and mech gauge) or temperature spike, The engine had been suitably abused prior to lapping to make sure all was well. The bottom end was 74k FSH engine I removed myself. The was clear through out, and pressure was still a solid 80Psi at 2krpm (all the way home) yes we drove it home like this!!



Anthony pilfered my breakers bar, so figured we've give it a go with the 1/2drive ratchet, this led to an emergency dash to halfrauds for a 24" breakers bar, will have to take the faulty rachet in for replacement shortly, horrible when they wear out on you like this :ph34r:


We've concluded that the breakage is down to it being out of tolerance from factory and it was just poor luck.


For your viewing pleasure.



One dirty sump, no sign of metal in it. nicely baffled as per std later peugeot design. (thank you for modelling tom_m)



One Bottom end, again std Peugeot baffled oil pump set up and chain guard bit.



Odd tiny drive wheel on the oil pump, 1:1 infact still kicking out uber pressure (50Psi idle) and 80Psi once warm till 7krpm




The offending shell,


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No.4 shell for reference the rest of them looked this clean



Now a handy clothes horse for the workshop.



I'll have a hunt for a replacement bottom end and pop all the bits I had made for this engine put on, in the mean time a std 1.9 will go in so it's functional and then the hyrbid will go back in :ph34r:

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Thats unlucky but at least it was as fatal as it could've been.


Interesting abnout the 1:1 oil pump, might look into doing that for my 8v engine rebuild over winter, well once I freed up the engine stand by fitting the XU7J4 engine I got from you into another shell.


I'm sure seen XU7 engines go for under £100 so you shuld be able to find a replacement one fairly cheap.



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Managed to lay my hands on an XU7 engine with snapped cambelt so the head will go in the bin, but the bottom end is good 65k miles on it (from a xantia) this time I'm going to plastigauge the big ends and mains to be on the safeside.


1.9 engine is in so keeps me running till the new 1.76L engine is ready :ph34r:

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Want to buy Accusump!

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Got one makes a nice orniment, but as said above didn't surge.

Edited by James_R

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the xu7 does not have the baffle plate between sump and crankshaft?

i thought all later engines have it ...

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the xu7 does not have the baffle plate between sump and crankshaft?

i thought all later engines have it ...

Nope, only XU10 (2.0 litre) engines have windage trays, and even then only post-93 I think.

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Got one makes a nice orniment, but as said above didn't surge.


Sorry missed the bit about it being out of tolerance bearing :wacko:

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Sorry if you have already mentioned but whats so good about the xu7/9 hybrid? And whats it like compared to the std xu9?



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technically it should be fairly rev happy, being quite under square... if you can get it to last more than one lap :wacko:

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As tom says being slightly over square 83x81 over thw 1905's 83x88 bore to stroke it's a touch more revvy, also the bottom end is good for 10.5:1 bolting a GTi head straight on and is good to rev in to teh 8000+rpm as standard with a suitable cam and springs makes for a nice engine.


I'd say to drive it it had 1.9 bottom end and 1.6 rev's was a nice combo, have a new bottom end to try again (hopefully this one will stay together I'll whip the caps off and plastigauge them)

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Fingers crossed it all runs sweet this weekend! :ph34r:

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Yeah the std 1.9 should be fine I reckon came from a known running car (not one that ended halfway up a tree) sure it will do us proud. You can't kill and 8v (apparently)

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Im sure you'll have a good go at killing it though James :ph34r:

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You can't kill and 8v (apparently)



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