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Throttle Body Pipes

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A quick question: On the top of the throttle body there's a metal take off pipe which connects to the oil filler cap. With the throttle body off the car should I be able to blow through that take off pipe? I've tried tooting on mine like a trumpet but it seems blocked.....

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This is the pipe, next to the idle control screw.


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It should be clear so you can blow through it but its a very small hole into the throttle body you won't get much through it.


IIRC 0.032" wire just fits through but 0.028" won't.



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Cheers Graham.

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Finally got around to having another look at this tonight. The spare throttle body I have is now nice & clear through all the drillings/pipes however it's slightly different to the one which is fitted on the car at present. The spare one has another brass screw, which I guess is the throttle stop position but also has a different style mechanism for the throttle cable (different plastic piece & spring mechanism). Will the spare throttle body be okay for me to fit, are they interchangable?


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should be fine, there are several different types fitted voer the years.


just make sure you set the base throttle position then the throttle switch and Air bypass screw as per details in the Haynes Workshop manual, this makes such a difference to the running and idling its unreal.

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Nick C
should be fine, there are several different types fitted voer the years.


just make sure you set the base throttle position then the throttle switch and Air bypass screw as per details in the Haynes Workshop manual, this makes such a difference to the running and idling its unreal.


Do you have a guide for this?



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as per details in the Haynes Workshop manual



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Nick C



For people that dont have it... was only asking.



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