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I'm wanting to stick teh XU10J4 oil pump (26teeth and higher preesure spring) on my XU9 1.9 mi16 engine.


Is a 406 XU10 oil pump set up the same (or is it even the same engine??) as the XU10J4 Mi16 engine/S16 engine that has the later 26teeth set up?


There is a pic of one in the for sale section and teh drive cog only looks 22teeth to me so I was wondering if I need to look for a specific XU10 engine for this pump.



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Tom Fenton

I thought the oil pump was the same, and it was the drive gear that fits onto the crankshaft that had the different number of teeth.

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Yes (sort of):


XU10 pump has higher rated pressure spring (so acheives pressure at lower revs), but has same number of teeth as XU9 pump.


The XU9 drive pulley has 22 teeth. The XU10 has 26 teeth.

But check the picture out of the 406 XU10 drive pulley (Veero for slae ad)- I can only see 22 teeth so am a bit confused???

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