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Derv Water Leaking

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gotta expect something to bite doing more than 500 miles a week and something has


I have quite a bad water leak comeing somewhere from the back of my engine as far as i can tell, im constantly filling up the expansion tank (5 times in 9hrs totaling 105 miles) at work because the light keeps coming on, any ideas what it could be? there is no mayo or loss of power or steam and ive checked all pipes i can see


thanks for any replys.... it is a derv after all

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the cooling system IIRC is pretty similar to the gti, so at the back I'd check that the hose isnt rubbing on the steering column, had a hose on my gti rub through there.

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On the back of the block there will be a fuel heater which transfers heat from the coolant to the fuel, these can leak and are also a pain in the hole to repair :) There is also a metal section of pipe at the cambelt side of th engine which is mega rusty on mine so that might be worth checking for leaks.


Mine seems to use a fair amount of water, no where near as much as yours but I do similar mileage. I have only found a small drip on the Rad inlet up to now.

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cheers guys, fixed it today checked behind the back and was all fine was confused then i saw a little pipe that joins the thermostat to a metal pipe that runs behind the cylinder block, suffice to say it was very crispy and cracked badly and leaking badly went down to peugeots and they had it in stock aswell.. bargain!

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